• 2015

    Earn and Share Digital Badges to Show Your Knowledge

    <div class="ExternalClassA9AB717100CF4C7490FF7C792C0F230C"><p>​Badges have evolved from the patches you sew on a sash that you might have earned as a Girl Scout or Boy Scout. Badges still show up in traditional places, like on police or fireman uniforms, but they also show up on the internet with things like games, apps and education.</p><p>Digital badges are a visual representation of what an individual knows and a means to demonstrate in granular detail the depth of learning that was acquired.</p><p>These type of badges makes it very easy for business owners and human resource managers to understand what someone learned because of the granular detail included in the portfolio of the person who earned the badge.&#160;</p><p><img src="/News/PublishingImages/DigitalBadges.JPG" alt="Digital Badges" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;500px;height&#58;278px;" /><br></p><p>Norma Nerstrom of Harper College in Palatine, IL, was our guest speaker on this webinar that covered the definitions of digital badge terms, key players in the market place, structure of digital badges and who offers them. We also discussed the value of digital badges to the people who earn them, the institutions who issue them, and the employers who will recognize them in the workplace.&#160;</p><p>Download the presentation and a handout from Harper College that covers what badges are and their importance, and then
    <a href="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPY_C_K25zA" title="YouTube" target="_blank">watch the recorded webinar for in depth details</a>!</p><ul><li>
    <a href="/DownloadPrint/digital%20badges.pdf" title="Digital Badges Presentation (PDF)" target="_blank">Digital Badges Presentation (PDF)</a></li><li>
    <a href="/DownloadPrint/Digital%20Badge%20Webinar%20Handout.pdf" title="Digital Badges - What They Are and Why They Are Important (PDF)" target="_blank">Digital Badges - What They Are and Why They Are Important (PDF)<br><br></a></li></ul><p><iframe width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/lPY_C_K25zA"></iframe>