• 2015

    Upcoming Webinar - Share With Businesses

    <div class="ExternalClass190A53889E09439E913C1B03DCDCE2FF"><p>​Illinois workNet is continuing its business based webinar series with <a target="_blank" title="Registration" href="https&#58;//marketing-social-media.eventbrite.com/">Marketing with Social Media on June 24th at 10 AM</a>. Please share this with businesses in your area so they can attend this free online session!<br></p><p>B2B or B2C&#160;- which social platform is best for your Business?</p><p>
    <img src="/News/PublishingImages/B2BvsB2C_500.png" alt="B2B vs. B2C Image" class="ms-rteImage-2" style="margin&#58;5px;" />
    </p><p>As a business owner you should be including social media into your overall marketing plan. But, which platform is best for your business? Did you know there are over 800 social platforms from which to choose? How can you make the best choices? Join Dee Reinhardt, Certified Social Media Strategist, as she discusses the
    <strong>top 10 social media platforms and for which type of business they are best suited.</strong></p><p>These webinars are pre-paid through a federal grant so there is no cost to participants. Register and attend this webinar so you can ask your specific questions about social media and your business can during the webinar.&#160;</p><p>
    <a title="Webinar Registration Website" target="_blank" href="https&#58;//marketing-social-media.eventbrite.com/"><strong>After you register</strong></a><strong>, </strong>check out the
    <a title="Social Media Guide on Illinois workNet" href="/Connect/Pages/SocialMediaGuide.aspx">Social Media Guide on Illinois workNet</a>!<br></p><p>
    <a title="Registration" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/marketing-with-social-media-webinar-tickets-17400054030?ref=ebtn" target="_blank"><img src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=17400054030" alt="Eventbrite - Marketing with Social Media Webinar" /></a>
    <br> </p></div>