• 2015

    Talent Pipeline Management - 7 Regions to Pilot-Test New Strategies to Close Skills Gap

    <div class="ExternalClass88A2070B9F444CE2902B8F4DC169738E"><p>​<img src="/News/PublishingImages/Chamber%20Foundation%20Digital%20Logo%20Transparent.png" alt="U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Logo" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></p><p>The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation issued a &quot;call to action&quot; to the nation this past November for&#160;employers and their partners to begin organizing around a talent supply chain approach.&#160;The <a target="_blank" title="Talent Pipeline Management Inititative" href="http&#58;//www.uschamberfoundation.org/talent-pipeline-management">Talent Pipeline Management inititative</a>&#160;was created in response to the growing skills gap that has impacted the ability of companies all across America to grow and compete in today's economy. </p><p><span><span><span>
    Illinois workNet would like to congratulate the 7 regions from across
    the country that were selected to be a part of the Talent Pipeline
    Management learning network that was formed from this call to action. </span></span></span>One of those seven was <a target="_blank" title="Vermilion Advantage Website" href="http&#58;//www.vermilionadvantage.com/">Vermilion Advantage&#160;in Illinois</a>! We are excited to see Illinois selected and participating with such a great initiative and look forward to seeing what this network will do.<br></p><p><a target="_blank" title="U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Website" href="http&#58;//www.uschamberfoundation.org/blog/post/7-regions-pilot-test-new-strategies-close-skills-gap/43158">Read the press release on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation website</a>.<br></p></div>