• 2015

    Be a Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) Partner

    Become a Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) Partner www.illinoisworknet.com/aboutDEI

    What is this program? The DEI project provides WIOA services to anyone with a disability within the project regions whether or not they meet WIOA eligibility requirements.  The goal is to increase outreach and services to individuals with disabilities to achieve career, training and employment goals.  The full range of staff-assisted WIOA services are provided and coordinated through the regions integrated network of partners.  The project model is to integrate all aspects of service provision with day-to-day LWIA activities so the service model continues after the DEI grant ends.

    Why participate in the integrated network of partners? Helping individuals with a disability get training and job experience is good for business, good for the individual, and good for your community.DEI Logo

    1. Go to www.illinoisworknet.com/aboutDEI  and learn more about the DEI Program.
    2. Contact info@illinoisworknet.com if you are:
    • A service provider who offers services in one or more of the program areas, or
    • An employer who can offer an internship, job shadowing, or on-the-job training.  We will connect you to the right person to learn more about becoming part of your local integrated partner network.