• 2015

    Check It Out - Upcoming Webinars

    <div class="ExternalClass41FFE918F5D141939C833EBEB30A0BF2"><p><img src="/News/PublishingImages/Icon_Eventscolor_WPP_200.png" class="ms-rtePosition-2" alt="Calendar Icon" style="margin&#58;5px;" />Add these to your calendar - Illinois workNet has some upcoming webinars that will interest you! Make sure to register and then share with others that will benefit from attending.</p><p>
    <a href="https&#58;//nocti-21st-century-skills.eventbrite.com/" target="_blank" title="Eventbrite Registration"><strong>NOCTI 21st Century Skills Webinar</strong></a>
    <p>Learn how your customers can earn their NOCTI 21st Century Skills certificate and digital badge for free! The results can help customers identify their current skill level and skills that need enhancement. There is normally a cost associated with completing this assessment, but it is free for all Illinois workNet partners.</p><p>Join us on
    <strong>July 30 from 2&#58;00-2&#58;30 PM</strong>.<br></p><p>
    <strong><a href="https&#58;//year-of-the-volunteer.eventbrite.com/" target="_blank" title="Eventbrite Registration">Volunteer Services Impacting Workforce Development Webinar</a></strong></p><p>The Illinois 2015 Year of the Volunteer designated August as the month to recognize volunteers who impact workforce development. This webinar will look at examples of businesses and not-for-profit organizations that support those volunteers. We will explore how volunteer service compliments one’s business, professional and technical skills and expands social networks.</p><p>Join us and our guest speaker Peggy Luce of Luce Consulting Services on
    <strong>August 5 at 10 AM</strong>.
    <a href="https&#58;//coping-with-job-loss.eventbrite.com/" target="_blank" title="Eventbrite">When Life Doesn't Turn Out as Planned - Coping with a Job Loss Webinar</a></strong></p><p>Join us on
    <strong>August 5, 2015 at 2PM</strong> when guest speaker Bonnie Artman Fox discusses how to deal with job loss with dignity and resilience. We will discuss the feelings you may have when you lose your job; how to work through the cycle of grief and loss; daily practices to calm your inner critic and manage negative thoughts; and, two important elements for staying on track.</p><p>Bonnie Artman Fox is a licensed marriage and family therapist who now concentrates on self-awareness and stress reduction for the workplace.<br></p></div>