• 2015

    Youth Guide Now Available!

    <div class="ExternalClass0BE40633FE7E4155AE4CA653317A9576"><p>
    <span style="line-height&#58;20px;">Illinois workNet has released the reinvented online Youth Guide!
    <a href="http&#58;//www.illinoisworknet.com/DownloadPrint/2015%20Illinois%20workNet%20Youth%20Guide%20Document%20Version_FINAL.pdf" title="Summer Youth Guide" target="_blank">Download and print the PDF version of the Youth Guide today!</a></span></span></span></span></p>
    <p>This is an easy to use guide for youth to use to learn how to&#58;</p>
    <ul><li>Explore Careers.<br></li><li>Prepare for a job.</li><li>Apply for a job</li><li>Learn how to be smart with money.</li><li>Plan for the future by setting goals.</li></ul></span>
    <div><br>Get started with the
    <a href="/Youth/Pages/default.aspx" title="Youth Guide">youth guide</a> today and share with anyone you know that can use the tips, resources, and tools to be successful.<br><a title="Youth Guide Main Page Image" href="/Youth/Pages/default.aspx"><img alt="Youth Guide Main Page Image" class="ms-rteImage-2" src="/News/PublishingImages/YouthGuideMainImage.JPG" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;685px;height&#58;234px;" /></a><br>
    <span><span><span><span>You can access the guide from the Illinois workNet home page at any time, just look for the Youth</span></span></span><span><span><span> Guide logo!
    <a href="/Youth/Pages/default.aspx">
    <img src="/PublishingImages/SpecialProjectImages/YouthGuide_OER.png" alt="Youth Guide Icon" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></a></span></span></span></span>