• 2015

    New and Updated Trade Forms Available

    ​The Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2015 (TAARA 2015), title IV of the Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 (Public Law 114-27), was signed into law by President Barack Obama on June 29, 2015. The TAARA 2015 authorizes the operation of the 2015 Program and continuation of the 2002 Program, the 2009 Program, and the 2011 Program through June 30, 2021. A new BRO and Waiver from the Training Requirement were developed for TAARA 2015. Additionally, two new forms were developed to allow enhanced Out-of-Area Job Search activities. Finally, all existing forms were updated changing WIA to WIOA, case manager to career planner, and entry of the SSN to just the last 4 digits. Where applicable, references to TAARA were added to existing forms.

    Visit the Trade Program Forms page to download any needed forms at any time.

    Trade Program Forms