• 2015

    You haven't missed out yet - register to start planning for your future!

    <div class="ExternalClass939CC79B2CB0477F81C01C7B3AFB097E"><p>​<img src="/News/PublishingImages/bright%20future%20sign.jpg" class="ms-rtePosition-2" alt="Bright Future" style="margin&#58;5px;" />Planning for a secure retirement can be challenging, but the sooner you start, the easier it will be. Here is one simple way to get you on the road to financial security. Join us as we talk about ways to <strong>increase your financial fitness and save for retirement</strong>, including making the most of <strong>employer-based retirement savings plans</strong>.</p><p>This
    Savings Fitness workshop starts you on the way to setting goals and putting your retirement high on the list of personal priorities.</p><p>
    <strong>Who should attend? </strong>Anyone who wants to make saving for retirement a priority!<br></p><p>This webinar
    <strong>WILL NOT be recorded </strong>so make sure to register to attend so you can get all the information you need and ask any questions you have. </p><p>This webinar was re-scheduled so you still have time to register to attend! There will be two sessions for this webinar&#58; <strong>Tuesday, October 20th at 10 AM and 1 PM</strong>. </p><a href="https&#58;//savingsfitness.eventbrite.com/" title="Registration" target="_blank"><h3>Register today!</h3><p><strong></strong></p></a><p><a href="https&#58;//savingsfitness.eventbrite.com/" title="Registration" target="_blank">
    <strong></strong></a><strong><a target="_blank" href="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/savings-fitness-a-guide-to-your-financial-future-webinar-tickets-19064754193" title="Registration"><img alt="Eventbrite - Savings Fitness&#58; A Guide to Your Financial Future Webinar" src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=19064754193" /></a></strong></p><p>These webinars are provided through&#160;<span><span><span>Illinois workNet and the U.S. Department of Labor Employee Benefits
    Security Administration (EBSA).</span></span></span> <br></p></div>