• 2015

    Check Out Our Upcoming Webinar

    <div class="ExternalClass1F469EF6D46040E88D48E881F0CE86C6"><p>​Our next session with U.S. DOL EBSA will be Thursday, November 5th at 10 AM or 1 PM. These presentations will cover the basics of both the
    <strong>HIPAA nondiscrimination rules</strong>, which apply in the administration of group health plans, and the
    <strong>Final Wellness Program rules</strong> (effective for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014), which provide guidelines designing and maintaining nondiscriminatory programs for the purpose of promoting healthy behaviors among employees.</p><p>
    <strong>Who should attend?</strong> Illinois employers or persons interested in starting a business.</p><p>Make sure to
    <a title="Registration Page" target="_blank" href="http&#58;//hipaa-and-wellness.eventbrite.com/">register today</a>!</p><p><a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//hipaa-and-wellness.eventbrite.com/" title="Registration Page"><img alt="Eventbrite - HIPAA Nondiscrimination and Wellness Programs Webinar" src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=19259404397" /></a>
    </p><p>This webinar
    <strong>W</strong><strong>ILL NOT be recorded</strong> so make sure to register to attend so you can get all the information you need and ask any questions you have.</p><p>This webinar is provided by Illinois workNet and the U.S. DOL Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA).<br></p></div>