• 2015

    Register: Work and Life Changes Require Health Choices Webinar

    <div class="ExternalClassCC8C9AB273F84F92AF1CDB5B91E0686A"><p>​Opportunities and setbacks are part of life-especially when it comes to work. Learn how changes in employment status can affect health coverage. Whether you are thinking about changing employers, have landed a new job, or lost or retired from one. Find out today how to have the health benefits you might need tomorrow. Know your rights and exercise your options.</p><p>
    <strong>Who should attend? </strong>Anyone interested in learning about health coverage options.</p><p>
    <strong>When are the webinars? </strong>We will have two sessions for this webinar, November 12th at 10 AM and 1 PM. The information is the same in each session so you only need to register once.</p><p>This webinar
    <strong>WILL NOT be recorded</strong> so make sure to register to attend so you can get all the information you need and ask any questions you have.</p><p>
    <span><span><span><a target="_blank" title="Eventbrite - Work and Life Changes Require Health Choices Webinar" href="https&#58;//health-choices.eventbrite.com/"><strong>Register today!</strong></a></span></span></span></p><p>
    <a title="Eventbrite - Work and Life Changes Require Health Choices Webinar" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/work-and-life-changes-require-health-choices-webinar-tickets-19422874340?ref=ebtn" target="_blank"><img src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=19422874340" alt="Eventbrite - Work and Life Changes Require Health Choices Webinar" /></a><br></p><p>This webinar is provided by Illinois workNet and the U.S. DOL EBSA.<br></p></div>