• 2015

    Don't Miss the Last Webinar in this Series - Group Health Plan Fiduciary

    <div class="ExternalClass53D4AC84AEA443CF92703D1D8FAA31FB"><p>The series with the U.S. DOL Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) is coming to an end next week. Don't miss out on the last session - <strong>What It Means to be a Group Health Plan Fiduciary Webinar - </strong>with two session at <strong>10 AM or 1 PM </strong>on<strong> November 19th</strong>.</p><p>Learn about the structure of EBSA, various national projects, and areas of review in a health investigation. We will give an overview of the health investigation process from start to finish, and voluntary correction programs will also be discussed.</p><p>
    <strong>Who should attend? </strong>Illinois employers and those who may be business owners one day.</p><p>This webinar
    <strong>WILL NOT be recorded </strong>so make sure to register to attend so you can get all the information you need and ask any questions you have.</p><p><a href="https&#58;//group-health-plan-fiduciary.eventbrite.com/" title="Eventbrite - What It Means to be a Group Health Plan Fiduciary Webinar" target="_blank"><strong>Register today!</strong></a><br></p><p><a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/what-it-means-to-be-a-group-health-plan-fiduciary-webinar-tickets-19496382204?ref=ebtn" title="Eventbrite - What It Means to be a Group Health Plan Fiduciary Webinar"><img alt="Eventbrite - What It Means to be a Group Health Plan Fiduciary Webinar" src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=19496382204" /></a>
    </p><p>This webinar is provided by Illinois workNet and the U.S. DOL EBSA.<br></p></div>