• 2015

    Labor Market Information and Occupational Data

    LMI ImageIllinois workNet and Illinois Pathways provide specific information to individuals and employers regarding Labor Market Information. In addition to overview LMI information, you can find specific career, wage, and trend data for careers and LMI data for Illinois Pathways Career Clusters. Use the resources below to start exploring!

    Illinois workNet is constantly updating resources and tools, so here’s a list to get started based on what’s available today but subscribe to our news and follow us on social media to stay current on new content!

    Illinois Pathways LMI by Career Cluster:

    For each of these links, click “View Careers” to access current and projected employment levels, average annual openings, and wage and training level descriptors.


    LMI Page Example

    LMI Information on Illinois workNet:

    This is our overview LMI page with links to additional resources for Job Seekers and Employers.

    Occupational Data on Illinois workNet:

    The Careers, Wages, and Trends area of Illinois workNet provides you with in depth occupational data for careers within each of the Illinois Career Clusters. You can begin by clicking on a cluster to see career options or you can use the keyword search for specific careers.

    Use the Demand Occupations page to find occupations for which a demand is projected based on annual average job openings, average starting wages, and state or national key sector initiatives.

    Economic Development Region (EDR) Environmental Scans:

    There are 10 total scans that cover the Illinois EDRs; each scan includes the following:

    • Regional population statistics
    • Local Workforce Area and Community College District Boundaries and Locations
    • Demographics such as percentage of veterans, household income, educational attainment, and poverty level
    • Employment projections by industry
    • Community college graduates by Career Cluster

    You can view and download each EDR on the WIOA Works site.

    You can access Illinois Pathways and WIOA Works anytime from Illinois workNet!

    Under "Programs" from the home page:

    From the footer, on any page: