• 2014

    Work-Based Learning Roundtables: Peer-to-Peer Sharing Events

    WBL ImageIn preparation to implement WIOA and align efforts with the job-driven training strategies highlighted by DOL, DCEO organized two peer-to-peer sharing and technical assistance roundtable events held September 19th (Springfield) and September 25th (Naperville).  DCEO is using the Job-Driven NEG grants as an opportunity to share proven models for work-based training and to brainstorm solutions as challenges are identified.  Regional partners shares leading practices, program models and useful tools for expanding employer engagement, increasing employer participation in work-based learning (WBL) and developing enhanced and accelerated work-based training. 

    Information from this meeting is available on http://www.illinoisworknet.com/wbl.

    As additional resources, guides, tools and news about WBL best practices becomes available it will be posted to this page.