• 2016

    Get Your Knowledge On - Finance Edition

    <div class="ExternalClassA0C51C028C444E698E4AC1EC007BF4B4"><p>​<img alt="Finance Lightbulb" class="ms-rtePosition-2" src="/News/PublishingImages/Finance%20Lightbulb.jpg" style="margin&#58;5px;" />April is <a target="_blank" title="National Financial Literacy Month" href="https&#58;//www.moneymanagement.org/blog/financial-literacy-month">National Financial Literacy Month</a> and we’re more than half-way through it, what’s something new that you have learned? For us, it’s important to remember that finances are a part of our everyday life, from the small decision to buy a coffee in the morning to the bigger ones like applying for Financial Aid to go to college. Below we’ve listed out tools for students, job seekers, teachers, employers, and Workforce Partners.</p><ul><li><a title="Illinois workNet – Money Management" href="/UpdatesHelp/Pages/MoneyManagement.aspx">Illinois workNet – Money Management</a> – Free tools and training to help you achieve your money management goals.</li><li><a title="Illinois workNet – Money Management Videos" href="/UpdatesHelp/Pages/Videos.aspx">Illinois workNet – Money Management Videos</a> – Find archived webinars covering money management, Money SMART, and financial aid.</li><li><a target="_blank" title="ISAC Student Portal – Financial Literacy Month Tools" href="https&#58;//studentportal.isac.org/web/guest/student/">ISAC Student Portal – Financial Literacy Month Tools</a> – Free resources and tools to help students make smart money choices.</li><li><a target="_blank" title="ISACorps – Events Near You" href="https&#58;//studentportal.isac.org/web/guest/student/">ISACorps – Events Near You</a> – Find free events near you, like college fairs, financial aid workshops, and more!</li><li><a target="_blank" title="Northern Illinois University (NIU) Financial Literacy for Education Success" href="https&#58;//www.niu.edu/financialliteracy/index.shtml">Northern Illinois University (NIU) Financial Literacy for Education Success</a> – This free online toolkit helps people learn the financial skills to reach their educational goals. With resources for educators and learners from elementary to lifelong learning.</li><li><a target="_blank" title="Econ Illinois" href="https&#58;//www.econed-il.org/">Econ Illinois</a> – Find Financial Literacy Month Activities and Events for teachers, students, and parents.</li><li><a target="_blank" title="MyMoney.Gov" href="https&#58;//www.mymoney.gov/">MyMoney.Gov</a> – Find free resources for youth, teachers, educators, and researchers covering money management.</li><li>The Mint – For Kids, Teens, Parents, and Teachers
    - Free tools to help parents as well as educators teach children to
    manage money wisely and develop good financial habits&#58; the building
    blocks for a secure future.</li><li><a target="_blank" title="Small Business Association (SBA)" href="https&#58;//www.sba.gov/">Small Business Association (SBA)</a> – Find resources and tools for business owners.</li><li><a target="_blank" title="GCFLearnFree Money Basics" href="https&#58;//edu.gcfglobal.org/en/topics/money/">GCFLearnFree Money Basics</a> – Find free money management tips for budgeting, retirement planning, smart shopping, and more.</li><li><a href="https&#58;//bettermoneyhabits.bankofamerica.com/en" title="Better Money Habits" target="_blank">Better Money Habits</a> - Powered by the Bank of America, in partnership with Khan Academy, this site helps you build your financial know-how with free tools and information.</li><li><a href="https&#58;//www.creditkarma.com/" title="Credit Karma" target="_blank">Credit Karma</a> - Use this free site to find out your credit score to take the first step towards building your financial future.<br></li></ul><p>Do you have a tip that has helped you manage your finances? Share in the comments section below.<br></p></div>