• 2016

    National Small Business Week 2016

    ​Did you know that the first week in May is National Small Business Week? National Small Business Week recognizes the important contributions of America’s Entrepreneurs and Small Business owners. Illinois workNet knows that running your own business takes time, dedication, and a lot of hard work. Every day small business owners are helping create more jobs, growing a business, and cultivating new innovation; and that is why we do our best to offer as many great resources as we can to help make your job just a little bit easier. Our resources can be used by new business owners, those interested in starting their own business, growing businesses, entrepreneurs, and more. Below is a list of resources Illinois workNet has put together for all of our Illinois Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs:

    • Employer-Based Training Programs - These programs make employee skill upgrades available to businesses in order to avert layoffs, remain current in new technologies and business practices, or to provide job skills to new hires.
    • Featured Employers - If your business is currently hiring, you can be featured on this page where qualified applicants will easily find you.
    • Start a Business - Find information and resources for starting your own business or helping your business grow.
    • Recruiting and Hiring-  Recruiting and hiring is a major component of your business success! Find tools and resources to help you navigate your way through the recruiting and hiring process on Illinois workNet.
    • Employer Hiring Credits - As a business you can benefit from many different hiring incentive programs, which are designed to match you with the talent you need! These programs provide a business with either tax credits or other incentives to hire/retain individuals from specific target groups. Many businesses miss out on these opportunities due to a lack of information; don't let that be you, use the resources here to get started.
    • Small Business Money Management - As a business owner, money and money management are a crucial part of your business. That’s why Illinois workNet provides guides to help you make financial decisions for your business, like recordkeeping, insurance, managing cash flow and more.
    • Hiring Articles - These articles cover resources and tools to help you start a business and to help employers recruit and hire.
    • Starting a Business and Hiring Videos - Illinois employers, you will find videos covering starting a business and hiring incentives and tax credits that can help you recruit and retain for your business.
    • Employer User Guides – These guides will help you navigate the Illinois workNet website so you can successfully achieve your business goals using our resources and tools.
    • Event Calendar - Make sure to post any job fairs or recruiting events you have on the Illinois workNet event calendar!

    Follow us on Social Media and #DreamSmallBiz with us!