• 2016

    Request for Open Comment by 8/3/2016

    Illinois State SealThe Illinois Task Force on Employment and Economic Opportunity was established by 20 ILCS 4095 and  Executive Order 14-08 requires that the Task Force develop a Strategic Plan to ensure implementation of Employment First. Comments are sought from the public at this time to ensure that the Strategic Plan represents a broad range of perspectives on this issue. 

    Comments will come in without filter, be incorporated as determined applicable by the subcommittees and task force as a whole, and then the entire set of recommendations will be submitted to the Governor’s Office, the Illinois State Legislature, and relevant state agencies.

    The following link takes you to the plan:

    Employment First Recommendation Feedback

    To learn more and to make comments, click on one of the work groups listed on the top right of the linked page above. You will be taken to a webpage where the work group’s recommendation areas are described by activity. Click on the activity you want to learn about. Offer feedback by clicking on the comment page link at the bottom of each activity page. You may also download the full list of recommendations also available from the above link and review them before submitting your comments online.

    Questions regarding this process should be directed to Robin Jones and/or Niketa Brar, Co-Chairpersons, Illinois Task Force on Employment and Economic Opportunity.

    Robin Jones - guiness@uic.edu or by phone at 312-996-1059

    Niketa Brar - niketa.brar@illinois.govor by phone at 312-814-5453

    The Task Force established several work groups to develop the Strategic Plan. Each workgroup was co-chaired by a public member and a State Agency member of the Task Force. Each work group was comprised of public and state agency members of the task force, additional state agency representation as appropriate, members of the public including service providers, educational entities, persons with disabilities and employers.

    Each work group met over a series of months via teleconference and in-person meetings to develop the Strategic Plan recommendations. Initial drafts were reviewed by the Task Force and State Agencies prior to releasing the draft to the public for additional review.

    Employment First Task Force Recommendations
    The Employment First Executive Order called for the development of a Strategic Plan to implement Employment First in Illinois. The plan includes strategies for:

    1. Improving strategies and supports necessary to make disability employment part of the state workforce development strategy, prioritize integrated employment as the first option for people with disabilities, and increase integrated community employment;
    2. Identifying and implementing policy changes to align with the goals of Employment First;
    3. Finding and supporting businesses in their efforts to employ people with disabilities;
    4. Transition planning and services in full compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations, including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Illinois School Code which prepare youth with disabilities for careers that use their full potential, including early career awareness and work experience. Creating the necessary infrastructure to accomplish these goals; and
    5. Establish benchmarks and collecting data to track employment outcomes.

    The Task Force established several work groups to develop the Strategic Plan. Each workgroup was co-chaired by a public member and a State Agency member of the Task Force. Each work group was comprised of public and state agency members of the task force, additional state agency representation as appropriate, members of the public including service providers, educational entities, persons with disabilities and employers.