• 2016

    Watch the Archived Header & Menu Re-Design Feedback Webinar

    <div class="ExternalClass9E7C304C1319447195128B32F2935562"><p>​The Illinois workNet team would like to thank all that were able to attend the Menu and Header Re-Design Feedback webinar this week. During the webinar we provided a live demo of the Illinois workNet website to show users how the new header and menu worked. The main goal of these updates is to provide a more consistent navigation across devices (computers, phones, and tablets). Based on our feedback during the webinar, we think we have accomplished this goal!</p><p>After the website demonstration, we asked participants the following questions&#58;</p><ol><li>Does the new header/menu seem easy to use?</li><ul><li>100% of participants believe the new header and menu is easy to use!</li></ul><li>Is the new header/menu easy to understand?</li><ul><li>100% of participants believe the new header and menu is easy to understand!</li></ul><li>Is there anything you think could make it easier to use?</li><ul><li>One participant requested we add “Home” to the new menu so users can easily get back to the Illinois workNet home page using that or by clicking on the logo in the middle of the header. This update will be made by the end of this week.</li></ul></ol><p>You can watch the
    <a target="_blank" title="YouTube" href="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/watch?v=fo2ajNONQ54">archived webinar on YouTube</a> and download this overview handout to see what’s new (<a target="_blank" title="PDF" href="/DownloadPrint/ILworkNet_NewHeader_Final.pdf">PDF</a>).</p><p>If you have feedback regarding the new headear and menu, please email us at
    <a href="mailto&#58;%20info@illinoisworknet.com" target="_blank">info@illinoisworknet.com</a>.<br></p><p></p>
    <iframe width="100%" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/fo2ajNONQ54" style="min-height&#58;200px;"></iframe><br>