• 2016

    Illinois workNet Header and Menu Survey

    <div class="ExternalClass3E29E24FE5BF41F289F235E476BFB747"><p>​If you’ve used the Illinois workNet website this month&#160;you may have noticed some changes. The workNet team has re-designed the header of the website to allow for more consistent navigation across devices (computers and mobile devices). These updates lay the groundwork for a more modern web design and tools. You will notice now that the Menu in the upper, left corner of the site is the same on your computer as it is on your phone or tablet. In addition, we’ve added a NEW My Dashboard menu once you’ve logged in to provide easy access to your account information and tools.</p><p><strong>As an Illinois workNet Workforce and Education Partner,&#160;we want your feedback</strong> on these changes! Please
    <a href="https&#58;//www.surveymonkey.com/r/Header_ReDesign_Feedback" target="_blank" title="Survey">
    <strong>click here to take a short, 1-2 minute survey</strong></a> to provide your feedback. If you could complete by <strong>September 1st, 2016</strong> we would greatly appreciate it!</p><p>
    <img src="/News/PublishingImages/workNetheader_new_500.png" alt="Illinois workNet Header" style="margin&#58;5px;" />