• 2017

    Watch the Archived Service Finder Updates Webinar

    <div class="ExternalClassD84F6A1F2AF24C75BBF9AEC9207BD820"><p>Thank you to everyone that could join us for the Updates and NEW Features – Illinois workNet Service Finder Webinar on August 31st. If you were not able to join us, we have provided a re-cap of the webinar below and the archived webinar to watch.</p><p>The Illinois workNet Service Finder has undergone updates on the public facing side and on the management side. These updates provide the customer with an easier to use search to find a location to visit, as well as expanded filters to be able to narrow down the results provided based on what they are looking for. In addition, the Service Finder now has a Directory option so you can print a copy to keep available or provide to a customer in a snap.</p><p>For the management side of the Service Finder, we have expanded the Audience and Service Categories and Sub-Categories to help our Partners better identify the services they provide to the public. These are accessible via the Audience and Services tab for all Partners to go in and update their information to see if any of the new categories we've added should be added for them! We recommend all Partners do this as it will help the customers searching for locations know what services you provide and know that they can come to your location for assistance.</p><p>You can download the presentation from our webinar below, as well as view our <a href="/pages/article.aspx?articleID=213" title="Becoming a Partner article">Becoming a Partner article</a> for more information if you are not currently an Illinois workNet Partner.</p><ul><li>Updates and NEW Features - Illinois workNet Service Finder (<a href="/DownloadPrint/workNetServiceFinderUpdates_Aug31.pdf" title="Updates and NEW Features - Illinois workNet Service Finder (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</li><li>Watch the archived webinar on
    <a href="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLk0FiJr-2U">YouTube</a></li><li>Instructions for Becoming an Illinois workNet Partner (<a href="/DownloadPrint/Become%20a%20Partner.pdf" title="Instructions for Becoming an Illinois workNet Partner (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>)<br></li></ul><p></p><iframe src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/xLk0FiJr-2U" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>