• 2017

    Registration Open - Updates and New Features for the Illinois workNet Service Finder

    <div class="ExternalClass949A8009C8B84C7496A489FFFB7648E2"><p>​The Illinois workNet Service Finder has undergone updates on the public facing side and on the management side! Attend this
    <a href="https&#58;//servicefinder.eventbrite.com/" target="_blank" title="Registration">
    <strong>webinar on August 31st at 10 AM</strong></a><strong> </strong>for a live demo of the tool to see&#58;</p><ul><li>The new look and feel of the Service Finder;</li><li>The new Service Categories and Sub-Categories;</li><li>The new audience options; and</li><li>The widget so you can add it to your website!</li></ul><p>We encourage you to attend this webinar so you can learn about the new features, see if you need to make any updates to your location within the Service Finder (if applicable), and know how to use it with your customers!</p><p>
    <strong>Background&#58;</strong> The
    <a href="/Connect/Pages/LocationSearch.aspx" title="Illinois workNet Service Finder">Illinois workNet Service Finder</a> identifies locations in Local Workforce Innovation Areas (LWIA) that offer services through Illinois workNet Centers, affiliates, and other community partners. Visitors to the Illinois workNet website and jobPrep mobile app can use the Service Finder to find a location near them where they can go to for in-person assistance.</p><p><a href="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/updates-and-new-features-illinois-worknet-service-finder-webinar-tickets-37245468198?ref=ebtn" target="_blank" title="Registration"><img src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=37245468198" alt="Eventbrite - Updates and NEW Features – Illinois workNet Service Finder Webinar" /></a>