• 2017

    New Videos on disabilityworks - Share with Customers and Employers

    <div class="ExternalClassFB38D7DA4EE84389ABDA22E71A8E041C"><p>Have you heard about the NEW video series available on the disabilityworks website? These videos, funded through the Disability Employment Initiative (DEI), were created through a joint effort of state and private agencies with the goal of providing videos that can help users navigate the job search and employment processes as an individual with a disability or as an employer working with individuals with disabilities. There are also videos that cover state services, such as the DRS Orientation process and the IDES Veteran Outreach Program.<br></p><p>Get a full listing of the videos on our handout here (<a href="/News/Documents/DEIVideoSeries_InfoHandout.pdf" title="Video Series Handout" target="_blank">PDF</a>) and keep it handy for those who may be in need of any of the videos available.</p><p>Find the videos on
    <a href="/disabilityworks/Resources/Pages/Videos.aspx" title="Video Series" target="_blank">www.disabilityworks.org/DEIVideoSeries</a> and on our
    <a href="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/user/illinoisworknet" title="YouTube channel" target="_blank">YouTube channel</a> where you can share or embed them on your website!</p><p></p><iframe src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm_3PsRZ4bUdLONNvnG-qTmM" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe>