• 2017

    Upcoming Webinar for Updated Public and Private Training Programs Search

    <div class="ExternalClassF4CFA209CED04CBA9DB5A2BE7333166D"><p>​The Illinois workNet team has made some updates to the <a href="/Training/Pages/TrainingProgramSearch.aspx" title="Public and Private Training Programs Search" target="_blank">Public and Private Training Programs Search</a>! These changes include new filters to allow you to narrow your search results to exactly what you’re looking for, as well as the ability to export your results! Attend our
    <strong>upcoming webinar on November 9th at 2&#58;30 PM</strong> for a live demo of the search to see&#58;</p><ul><li>The new look and feel of the Public and Private Training Programs Search;</li><li>The ability to narrow your search results; and</li><li>The options you have to export results and bookmark providers.</li></ul><p>This will be a short, helpful webinar for you to see the updates and learn how to use the new features.</p><p>
    <strong><a href="https&#58;//trainingprogramsearch.eventbrite.com/" title="Register today!" target="_blank">Register today!</a></strong></p><p><a href="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/updates-and-new-features-public-private-training-program-search-webinar-tickets-39296431685?ref=ebtn" target="_blank" title="Eventbrite - Updates and NEW Features – Public &amp; Private Training Program Search Webinar"><img src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=39296431685" alt="Eventbrite - Updates and NEW Features – Public &amp; Private Training Program Search Webinar" /></a>