• 2018

    Using Employment 101 for Adult Education

    <div class="ExternalClass41F20BB592034B53A60120A048B8844B"><p>​<img src="/News/PublishingImages/Lists/Posts/AllPosts/Employment%20101%20and%20Your%20Curriculum.png" alt="Employment 101 and Your Curriculum.png" class="ms-rtePosition-2" style="margin&#58;35px 5px;" /></p>
    <p>If you are an adult education provider, you should check out our Employment 101 resources to use in your classroom! The Illinois workNet team just posted a new article on how to incorporate it into your curriculum.<br></p><p>The new article provides a good starting point for approaching these resources and provides some ways you can incorporate the materials into your curriculum. If you’re not an adult education provider, feel free to still check out the Employment 101 resources and to share with anyone you think may find it helpful.<br></p><p>As you read and build your curriculum, be sure to check out these related resources&#58;<br></p><div><ul><li>
    <a href="/DownloadPrint/Employment101Flyer.pdf" target="_blank" title="Employment 101 Flyer">Employment 101 Flyer</a><br></li><li>
    <a href="/DownloadPrint/Instructor%20guide%20-%20Career%20plan.pptx" target="_blank" title="Employment 101 Instructor Guide - Career Plan">Employment 101 Instructor Guide - Career Plan</a><br></li><li>
    <a href="/DownloadPrint/Instructor%20guide%20-%20Job%20search%20plan.pptx" target="_blank" title="Employment 101 Instructor Guide - Job Search Plan">Employment 101 Instructor Guide - Job Search Plan</a><br></li><li>
    <a href="/DownloadPrint/Using%20Employment%20101%20pre-post-assessments%20-%20customer_FINAL.pdf" target="_blank" title="Using Employment 101 Pre/Post Assessments">Using Employment 101 Pre/Post Assessments</a><br></li></ul></div></div>