• 2018

    Upcoming Webinar - Health Coverage Choices

    <div class="ExternalClassFA0A722470E0459FA04F327C9D40C2D5"><p>​Illinois workNet and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) will be providing this webinar to anyone who would like to attend. This webinar will not be recorded, so click the link below to register so you can get this helpful information and ask any questions you have.<br></p><p>
    <a href="https&#58;//healthcoverage_ebsa.eventbrite.com/">March 27th at 2 PM - Work and Life Changes Require Health Choice</a></p><p>The Employee Benefits Security Administration wants to help you better understand how work and life changes can affect your health coverage. Changes in your life – such as losing your job or starting a new one, getting married, or having a baby – can impact the health coverage you and your family receive from your employer’s health plan. </p><p>This presentation will help you understand what rights you and your family have under federal health benefit laws so that you can make timely and informed decisions when you need to. The laws covered in this workshop include COBRA, HIPAA, ERISA, and the Affordable Care Act.</p><p><a href="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/work-and-life-changes-require-health-choices-webinar-tickets-43211442588?ref=ebtn" target="_blank"><img src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=43211442588" alt="Eventbrite - Work and Life Changes Require Health Choices Webinar" /></a>