• 2018

    2018 WIOA Unified State Plan Modifications Finalized

    ​Today the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board finalized and approved the 2018 Unified State Plan Modification.  The plan may be viewed here.   

    The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 requires the Governor of each state to submit a Unified State Plan every four years and a modification every two years.  The Plan is designed to provide a vision of the Governor's integration of workforce, education and economic development policy while also serving as a federal compliance document for the United States Departments of Labor and Education under WIOA.  The modification includes examples of WIOA implementation activities state-wide, information on changes in labor market and economic conditions and other factors. The Unified State Plan was prepared under the leadership of the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board with representation of the core and required partners to the Unified State Plan.  The plan was put out for public comment for input from stakeholders and constituents across the state.