• 2018

    Illinois workNet Event Calendar Updated

    ​Introducing the new and improved Event Calendar! The Illinois workNet Event Calendar has undergone updates on the public facing side and on the management side. Overall, workNet has streamlined the Calendar and made it easier to use than ever before. Partners can benefit from many of the new, useful features, including:

    • A Dashboard for LWIA content managers and coordinators.
    • The ability to add related documents when you create an event.
    • Various quality of life and usability improvements that make navigating and using the calendar stress-free.
    • Easily add events to your personal calendars on services like Google.
    • Easily share events on social media.
    • Export event info to Excel.

    Illinois workNet will be hosting an Event Calendar webinar for Partners and LWIA Coordinators/Managers on May 7, 2017 from 2:300 PM – 3:00 PM. The first portion of the webinar will provide an overview of the public facing side of the calendar, along with embedding the workNet calendar onto your website. The second portion of the webinar will provide an overview on the management side of the calendar. Please register for this webinar using the following link, https://illinoisworkneteventcalendar.eventbrite.com.

    If you have the Event Calendar embedded on any of your websites, please update your embedded code from the Embeddable Widgets page. This will ensure that you can make the best use of these updates.

    If you're interested in reading more about the Event Calendar, feel free to check out the Event Calendar Instructions and the Using the Event Calendar article.