• 2018

    Illinois Employment First Update – July 2018

    <div class="ExternalClass66806C472E15444790FC43CA7CB623C9"><p>Check out <a title="DHS&#58; Employment First" href="http&#58;//www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=80571" target="_blank">Illinois
    Employment First’s</a> updates for July 2018. These new additions
    include&#58;</p><ul><li>Webinars ranging from Disaster Response Efforts, Best Practices for Reentry and Employment Interventions, State Leadership Mentoring Programs, and more.</li><li>Events such as Access Chicago 2018, an EXPO for People with Disabilities.</li><li>Resources such as the free online course “Disability in the Workplace&#58; A Global Perspective”, Natural Support Networks, transportation guides for those who are blind or have low vision, along with an article on self-employment strategies with those who have a psychiatric disability.<br></li><li>Notices of recently added funding opportunities for programs involving donating surplus property; projects that benefit children and families; nonprofits seeking grants for arts, health, humanities, and social services; and more.</li></ul><p>Read the
    updates in full on <a title="IL Employment First Update 7/9/18" href="/DownloadPrint/Illinois%20Employment%20First%20Update%20July%209,%202018.pdf">this