• 2018

    National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2018

    <div class="ExternalClass297D60D1C8B0411E9E781E7B599B3B9F"><p>October is
    National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). Observed nationwide
    every October, NDEAM is a way to celebrate the contributions of workers with
    disabilities. It also helps organizations across the country to educate
    others on the value and impact of having a diverse workforce. As this month
    gets started, be sure to take advantage of the resources available to you on
    the disabilityworks website of Illinois workNet that can assist you directly&#58; </p><ul><li><a title="disabilityworks Website" href="/disabilityworks" target="_blank">disabilityworks
    Website</a> </li><ul><li>Disability Benefits Estimator;</li><li>Disability Employment Guide;</li><li>New Video Series for Workers, Job Seekers, and Employers;</li><li>Resources, and more<br></li></ul></ul><ul><li><a title="Illinois workNet – Employer Hiring Credits" href="/Jobs/Pages/HiringCredits.aspx" target="_blank">Illinois workNet – Employer Hiring Credits</a><br></li><li><a title="DHS Division of Rehabilitation Services" href="https&#58;//www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=29727" target="_blank">DHS Division of Rehabilitation Services</a></li><li><a title="State of Illinois – Disabled Workers Program" href="https&#58;//work4.illinois.gov/employment-resources/disabpgm.html" target="_blank">State
    of Illinois – Disabled Workers Program</a></li><li>Think Beyond the
    Label<br></li><li><a title="AbilityLinks" href="https&#58;//abilitylinks.org/" target="_blank">AbilityLinks</a><br></li></ul><p>Be sure to check out and participate in upcoming events in Illinois
    and share with those you know. Visit the <a title="Illinois workNet Event Calendar" href="https&#58;//apps.illinoisworknet.com/Calendar/" target="_blank">Illinois workNet Event Calendar</a>