• 2014

    WBL Roundtable Events Follow-Up

    ​Work-based learning provides more opportunities for workers to earn income while gaining critical job skills. The positive impact to workers, employers, and the economy is substantial through effective work-based learning programs.

    To prepare for WIOA requirements and the implementation of the Job-Driven National Emergency Grants, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) organized work-based learning round table events to bring employers, colleges, and workforce system professionals together.   

    The events held in Springfield, Naperville and Chicago included panels of employers and workforce partners and time to learn about best practices, share challenges, and brain storm ideas for increasing work-based learning opportunities that accelerate timelines for fulfilling employers’ needs and for getting workers in jobs while learning job skills.

    DCEO is currently offering a work-based learning innovation project in the manufacturing sector.  To learn more about the Accelerated Training for Illinois Manufacturing (ATIM) initiative and apply to participate, see ilworknetmanufacturing.com.

    As more information becomes available to help regional partners implement work-based learning, resources and tools will be posted to http://www.illinoisworknet.com/wbl.  To stay current, sign up to receive updates from the website.

    Springfield Round Table September 22, 2014 Pictures

    Springfield WBL Round Table Event Images