• 2019

    Illinois's No Salary History + Equal Pay Toolkit Now Available

    <div class="ExternalClass29C234CB4FF6499AB33622FE1AAB11F0"><p>
    Illinois's new No Salary History law went&#160;into effect on September 29<sup>th</sup>, which means that employers will no longer be allowed to ask job applicants for past wages during the hiring process. It's a huge victory for equal pay! The practice of using past pay to determine salary offers is a major contributing factor to the gender wage gap.<br></p><p>We want to make sure all of Illinois knows about this win for economic justice! So
    <a href="https&#58;//womenemployed.org/resources/no-salary-history-and-pay-equity-toolkit/" target="_blank" title="Women Employed - Toolkit">
    Women Employed has created a toolkit</a>
    to help job applicants understand their rights, employers understand their responsibilities, and advocates spread the word. As a valued partner of Women Employed, we share a belief that women deserve equal opportunity at economic security and advancement for themselves, their families, and their communities.
    We want to make sure you have access to

    this toolkit to share with your personal and professional networks, as well as the communities you serve! </p><p>Included in

    the toolkit, you will find&#58;<br></p><ul><li>
    <strong>Resources for employers</strong>, to help them comply with the law and go further to advance pay equity.</li><li><strong>Resources for job seekers</strong>, to help them understand their new rights, and to give them tips on what to do if they are still asked for their salary history.</li><li>
    <strong>Sample social media posts and language for e-newsletters and emails</strong>, to make it easy to spread the word!<br></li></ul><p>
    You can access the toolkit here&#58;<br></p><p style="text-align&#58;center;"><a href="https&#58;//womenemployed.org/resources/no-salary-history-and-pay-equity-toolkit/" target="_blank" title="Download the Toolkit"><strong></strong><span style="text-align&#58;center;">DOWNLOAD THE TOOLKIT</span></a><br></p><p>Share This Information Widely!<br></p><p>Please spread the word about these resources on your social media channels and via email. (The toolkit includes convenient <a href="https&#58;//womenemployed.org/illinois-no-salary-history-law-digital-outreach-toolkit/" target="_blank" title="Sample Language">sample language</a> to make it easy!) If you manage listservs, e-newsletters, or social media accounts for your organization, please consider including the information there as well.</p><p>If you have any questions, please reach out to Mary Kay Devine at <a href="mailto&#58;mdevine@womenemployed.org" target="_blank" title="mailto&#58;mdevine@womenemployed.org">mdevine@womenemployed.org</a>, or by phone at 312-782-3902, x224.<br></p></div>