• 2020

    Update to Illinois workNet Resume Builder Tool to Take Effect on August 31st

    After August 31st, previously saved Practice Interviews and Video Resumes will no longer be available in the Document Center of the Illinois workNet Resume Building Tool.

    These interviews and resumes were recorded with Adobe® Flash®, which will no longer be supported with major internet browsers.*

    While previously saved Practice Interviews and Video Resumes will no longer be available after August 31st, SkillsFirst will provide new career tools including practice interviews and thousands of interview questions/coaching sets.

    New resources for Interviews and Interview Answers will be accessible after August 31st in the Document Center under the Interview Section. Note: This will be the same page where you find your previously saved resumes, cover letters, and other resources.

    More than 1,000 interviews and 12,000 interview questions will be provided by SKillsFirst. In addition to creating your own practice interview with questions, the new Interview resources will allow you to filter by:

    • Occupation
    • Interview Type
    • Skill Type
    • and more

    Check out the Illinois workNet Resume Writing Guide for an overview of resume related resources that are available on workNet.

    *After August 31st new practice interviews will be supported by HTML5.