• 2021

    Employment 101 - Generation 2

    Employment 101 - Generation 2, (E101 for short!) is being released for Illinois workNet users. Join this webinar on Friday April 9, 2021 at 11AM to be one of the first to know about the new features, design, how to navigate around E101, and how to earn your certificate and digital badge. This webinar is designed for workforce partners. We will show you some tools and tips to use with your customers and program participants. 

    The demonstration will include: 

    • New career tools 
    • Flow and navigation 
    • Newly designed interactive learning modules 
    • A partner guide 
    • A participant guide 
    • How to work as a participant 

    Don't worry if your participants have already completed Employment 101 – Generation 1. We will show you where all that information is stored. Be sure to attend this webinar. The release of E101 is exciting! 

    Register for the webinar here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/employment-101-generation-2-launch-tickets-149380139017