• 2022

    Upcoming Webinar: Updates to the Illinois workNet Resume Building Tool

    On Wednesday, November 9th from 10:00 – 11:00 am, Illinois workNet will be providing an overview of the recent updates to the new and improved Illinois workNet Resume Building Tools. If you are unable to attend this event, a recording will be made and uploaded to Illinois workNet's YouTube channel afterwards.

    Users will still have access to the core set of building tools. These tools have been improved and expanded to provide users with a complete set of career preparation tools to fully showcase skills through a comprehensive career portfolio.

    Register for this webinar today.

    Check out the Frequently Asked Questions below for more information on what you can expect from the update.

    When will the update take place?

    During the weekend of 10/1, the Illinois workNet Resume Builder and Cover Letter Builder will be updated to a new version of the tool called SkillsFirst.

    What does this mean? 

    Any previously saved resumes and cover letters (PDF and Word files) saved in the Illinois workNet Resume Builder will need to be transferred over to the new version of the tool.

    Will I still be able to access my resumes and cover letters that I created with the current resume builder?

    If you move your Resume(s) and Cover Letter(s) to SkillsFirst, then they will not be deleted. Your Resume(s) and Cover Letter(s) are accessible from the Document Center. 
    How long do I have to transfer my resumes and cover letters into SkillsFirst?

    After January 15th, 2023, previously saved Resumes and Cover Letters that have not been moved to SkillsFirst will be deleted from the Document Center of the Illinois workNet Resume Building tools. Note: This will be the same page where you find your previously saved resumes, cover letters, elevator pitches, and other resources. 
    How can I transfer my documents into SkillsFirst?

    Here is how you can move your Resume(s) and Cover Letter(s) into SkillsFirst: 

    • Visit illinoisworknet.com 
    • Select the Login icon and login to your account 
    • In the Dashboard banner select "Resumes" 
    • You will be redirected to the Document Center 
    • In the Resumes section you will see a message to move your Resume(s) into SkillsFirst. Follow the prompts to move your previously saved resumes into SkillsFirst. 
      • Note: You will need to repeat this process for any previously saved Cover Letter(s) as well.  

    How can I access the new resume and cover letter building tools? 

    • Login to your Illinois workNet account 
    • Select "Resumes" in the Dashboard banner 
    • You will be redirected to the Document Center where you can click on your previously saved documents or create a new one 
    • When you make your click "Create New Resume" or "Create New Cover Letter", you will be redirected to the new building tool 

    If it will be your first time accessing the building tools, you will need to confirm your email address: 

    • After following the steps above, click Continue to confirm your email address. 
    • You will then see a message asking you to check your email. Go to your inbox and open the confirmation email (be sure to check your spam and junk folders if you do not see it) and click the confirmation link in the email. 
      • Note: This link will expire in one hour, so be sure to confirm before the hour runs up, or you will have to repeat this confirmation process. 
    • Once you select the link, you will be redirected to back to the building tools, where you can create your documents. 

    Additional Resources 

    Check out the Illinois workNet Resume Writing Guide for an overview of resume-related resources that are available on Illinois workNet.