• 2023

    Displaced Energy Worker Dependent Transition Scholarship Program is launched!

    <div class="ExternalClass19C87F2D0B27430B90C0FF65DA319A39"><p>The Illinois Student Assistance Commission is excited to share that the
    <strong>Displaced Energy Worker Dependent Transition Scholarship Program</strong> application has launched! &#160;This scholarship program provides assistance to children (including adopted and stepchildren) of eligible displaced energy workers. It is designed to support students who are deterred from attending or completing an educational program at an Illinois institution because of a parent's layoff from a retiring power plant or a closing coal mine. Tuition and fees at public colleges or community colleges are covered for a period equal to one calendar year, including a summer term, for undergraduate or graduate study.</p><p>For those interested, the 2022-23 Displaced Energy Worker Dependent Transition Scholarship Program&#160;<a href="https&#58;//studentportal.isac.org/web/guest/student?p_p_id=Student_WAR_Studentportlet&amp;_Student_WAR_Studentportlet__facesViewIdRender=/views/dewsp/dewsp.xhtml" target="_blank" title="Application">application (fillable PDF)</a>&#160;may be completed and submitted online via the&#160;<a href="https&#58;//studentportal.isac.org/web/guest/student/?p_p_id=Student_WAR_Studentportlet&amp;_Student_WAR_Studentportlet__facesViewIdRender=/views/isacPrograms.xhtml" target="_blank" title="Program Applications &amp; Status Checks">Program Applications &amp; Status Checks</a>&#160;area of the&#160;<a href="https&#58;//studentportal.isac.org/web/guest/student/" target="_blank" title="ISAC Student Portal">ISAC Student Portal</a>. As part of the process of submitting the application to ISAC via the ISAC Student Portal, applicants must upload proof of the displaced energy worker's loss of employment due to the reduced operation or closure of a fossil fuel power plant or coal mine that occurred on or after September 15, 2016.
    <em style="text-decoration&#58;underline;">While this was a mid-academic year launch, eligible applicants can apply to have the funds applied to this entire academic year (2022-2023)</em>. To be considered for funds during the 2022-23 academic year, the application must be submitted to ISAC on or before Thursday, June 15, 2023.<br></p><p>Please see the&#160;<a href="/WIOA/Documents/ISAC_DEWDT%20Scholarship%20Flyer.pdf" target="_blank" title="DEWDT Scholarship Flyer">linked flyer</a>&#160;for the Displaced Energy Worker Dependent Transition Scholarship Program.<br></p><p>Further information on the program
    <a href="https&#58;//www.isac.org/students/during-college/types-of-financial-aid/scholarships/DEWDTSP.html" target="_blank" title="ISAC Scholarships">can be accessed&#160;here</a>.&#160;In addition, interested students are encouraged to reach out to the ISAC Call Center&#58;</p><p>
    <b><br>Call Center - Student Services<br></b>1755 Lake Cook Road<br>Deerfield, IL 60015-5209<br>Phone&#58; 800.899.ISAC (4722)<br>8 a.m. - 4&#58;30 p.m. CT<br>E-mail&#58;
    <a href="mailto&#58;isac.studentservices@illinois.gov" target="_blank" title="mailto&#58;isac.studentservices@illinois.gov">isac.studentservices@illinois.gov</a><br>* Chat available through the ISAC website – click on the
    <a href="https&#58;//www.isac.org/students/" target="_blank" title="ISAC">https&#58;//www.isac.org/students/</a> page for the chat box pop-up. *</p></div>