• 2023

    Youth Justice Action Month 2023

    The month of October is Youth Justice Action Month. During this month advocates raise awareness and inspire changes to the criminal justice system for young people. Youth Justice Action Month is co-hosted by the Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ) and the National Juvenile Justice Network (NJJN).

    This year's theme is "Justice Is ____." NJJN writes, "We can only create a true vision of justice, equity and opportunity when we hear directly from those who are most impacted by the systems we are fighting to change. That means centering directly impacted youth voices in any transformations we advocate for. Our theme, "Justice Is____." gives impacted youth, families and allies an opportunity to collectively imagine new possibilities for systems of support, healing and restorative justice."

    Throughout the month these organizations work together and invite communities to connect and take action. They invite all to get involved:

    • Throughout October CJJ and NJJN asks to learn about and understand youth justice by learning about a key topic each week:

    Be sure to check out Illinois workNet's Returning Citizens Guide that offers many resources and references for returning citizens from what to do after release to catching up on technology and finding a job. Articles included in the Returning Citizen Guide include:

    • What to do After Your Release 
    • Important Personal Identification Documents 
    • Local Resources to Help You Succeed 
    • Catch Up on Technology 
    • Top 5 Things to Know About Expunging or Sealing Records 
    • Apply for Jobs 
    • Interview for Jobs 
    • First Day on the Job 
    • Money Management Guide

    Follow us on Social Media for the latest on Youth Justice Action Month with #YJAM2023: