• 2023

    American Education Week 2023

    National American Education Week acknowledges all of the hard work that goes into the public-school system from teachers and parents to educational support professionals. Learn how to raise awareness for this week on social media with. Each day this week has a special theme recognizing the people involved in American Education. Plan activities around these themes to celebrate the week:

    • Monday, November 13: Kickoff Day
    • Tuesday, November 14: Family Day
    • Wednesday, November 15: Education Support Professionals Day
    • Thursday, November 16: Educator for a Day
    • Friday, November 17: Substitute Educators Day

    Through collaboration with the Illinois State Board of Education and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Education Systems Center has released a Career Development Experience Toolkit aligned to the frameworks established in the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Act. The Toolkit is a gathering of best practices and resource sharing from communities doing incredible work throughout the state of Illinois and nationally to establish expectations for implementing high-quality, rigorous work-based learning experiences. Communities may apply, repurpose, and utilize these resources to provide meaningful and robust Career Development Experiences that ultimately prepare youth to be college and career ready. Access and read more about the toolkit here. Please reach out to Heather Penczak, Policy & Program Manager at EdSystems, with any questions or needs (hpenczak@niu.edu).

    Also, it is important to recognize the important role Career and Technical Education (CTE) plays in our public-school system. Perkins V, a federal grant program that supports CTE at both the secondary and postsecondary levels, was reauthorized in the summer of 2018 and took effect July 1, 2019. The reauthorized Act reflects technological advances occurring in both education and the workforce. Key strategies including expanding access to dual credit opportunities, offering quality work-based learning, and addressing equity gaps within our CTE programs. For more information, visit www.isbe.net/perkins or http://www2.iccb.org/cte/perkins/.

    Notably, this November marks the release of the Programs of Study Guides. The Illinois Community College Board, Illinois State Board of Education, and EdSystems, Northern Illinois University, partnered in 2019 to work closely with secondary and postsecondary educators, employers, and other stakeholders to be able to map out Model Programs of Study using an industry sector-based lens. The first four complete models include pathways in Education, Health Sciences, Manufacturing, and Information Technology. The Model Programs of Study are intended to provide exemplars for local programs to adopt or customize as they develop programs of study for approval as part of the Perkins V Plan. See the final guides here: http://www2.iccb.org/cte/pos-models/

    Check out the Illinois workNet resources below for additional reading:

    Follow us on Social Media for the latest on American Education Week!