• 2015

    Get The Big Picture

    <div class="ExternalClassED9AC6A1ECDA4266943163CEC70875B3"><p>​You can see all about the updates and changes that have taken place with Illinois workNet. We have recently undergone a transformation with the website. We held a webinar to review the changes and the menu items.</p><p>We offered a brief demonstration of a number of features on the menu. The purpose of the website is to&#58;</p><ul><li>Connect all citizens to resources for achieving training and employment goals.</li><li>Be easy to understand, easy to use, and be beneficial.</li></ul><p>Address key trends for web applications including, be&#58;</p><ul><li>Highly interactive</li><li>Streamlined</li><li>Visual</li><li>Adaptive to range of devices from mobile to PCs., and<br></li><li>Provide a base for our complementary mobile application on Android, iOS, and Amazon.</li></ul><p>For our workforce partners we covered the resources and tools they will need to serve job seekers and business in Illinois.</p><p>Take a look at the
    <a href="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/watch?v=k15zBLCUVX8" title="YouTube" target="_blank">recording of this webinar</a> and all of our archived webinars.</p><ul><li>Beta Illinois workNet - The Big Picture for Partners Handout (<a href="/DownloadPrint/Partner%20Resources_FINAL.pdf" title="Beta Illinois workNet - The Big Picture for Partners Handout (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>)<br></li></ul><p>
    <iframe width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/k15zBLCUVX8"></iframe></p><p>&#160;<br></p></div>