• 2015

    Deadline Extension Notice for Illinois Talent Pipeline RFA

    <div class="ExternalClass6D2385D4B8E64A27B905D92E4D7EED1D"><p>​The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity has
    <strong>extended the deadline for the Illinois Talent Pipeline Request for Application to February 27, 2015</strong>.&#160; The goal of this program is to help businesses avoid layoffs where possible and help unemployed workers re-enter the workforce.&#160; Funding decisions are anticipated in the spring.
    <br></p><p>The RFA and Application have been updated to reflect the revised due date of&#160; and to clarify information regarding the grant/program term.&#160; If you have already started or completed the original application, you do not have to copy it to the updated application.&#160;&#160; The application dated December 2014 is still an acceptable application to use.&#160;&#160; Use of the December 2014 application will not affect rating of applications.&#160;
    <br></p><p>The project period should not exceed 12 months.&#160;&#160; A modification to extend a grant may occur, but only at the discretion of the Department.&#160; Under Section 5 of the application it does state that activities must be completed within the established grant period of 12 months.&#160;
    <br></p><p>The application, program guidelines, frequently asked questions, and a link to the December webinar, can be downloaded at
    <a href="http&#58;//www.illinoisworknet.com/iltalent" title="IL Talent Pipeline Page">http&#58;//www.illinoisworknet.com/iltalent</a>.&#160; If you have any questions, please contact one of the DCEO staff below.</p><p>
    <strong>Northern Illinois</strong><br>Patrick Campbell<br>312-793-0538<br><a title="Email" href="mailto&#58;%20Patrick.Campbell@illinois.gov">Patrick.Campbell@illinois.gov </a>
    <strong>Central/Southern Illinois</strong><br>Deb Waldrop
    <br>618-993-7237<br><a title="Email" href="mailto&#58;%20Deb.Waldrop@illinois.gov">Deb.Waldrop@illinois.gov</a>