• 2015

    Start Adding Community Referrals to Illinois workNet

    <div class="ExternalClassFEA02F57A018455BB439B34ED86DBE94"><p>
    <img alt="Referral Icons" class="ms-rtePosition-2" src="/News/PublishingImages/Referrals_All.png" style="margin&#58;5px;" />​Illinois workNet has added a new feature to our Service Finder - work support referrals! Community referrals help people in need of specialized assistance and support. Referrals are an essential component of assistance and complement the Illinois workNet System Network, without the requirement of being an Illinois workNet partner. With the Illinois workNet portal, these are identified within the following categories&#58;</p><ul><li>Child Care</li><li>Assistance for Persons with Disabilities</li><li>Financial Assistance</li><li>Food / Nutrition</li><li>Health Care</li><li>Housing/Shelter</li><li>Immigrant Assistance</li><li>Re-entry (of formerly incarcerated individuals into the workforce)</li><li>Transportation</li><li>Veterans</li></ul><p>Start adding referrals for your LWIA today! You can add referral services to an existing partner or create a new referral or a new partner that also offers referral services. Download the Instructions and watch the
    <a target="_blank" title="YouTube" href="http&#58;//youtu.be/-JYr88-Y7aA">live demo</a>.</p><ul><li>Adding Referral Services in Service Finder Admin<br></li><li>Adding a New Site in Service Finder Admin (<a href="/DownloadPrint/Become%20a%20Partner.pdf" title="Adding a New Site in Service Finder Admin (PDF)" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</li></ul><p>
    <iframe width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/-JYr88-Y7aA"></iframe>