• 2015

    Register for the Next Partner Webinar!

    <div class="ExternalClassB76CAE7404CC4001801EF92C13FFD534"><p>​How do you help your clients through the steps of learning soft skills and improving their digital literacy? Why Illinois workNet of course!
    <br></p><p>After they have completed the learning process, work with them in the Illinois workNet Resume Builder Tool to create letters, resumes, portfolios, individual websites, and perform practice interviews. Your clients can share all of these items with you so that you can review the items with them so they can achieve a new position in the workplace.</p><p>
    <a href="https&#58;//helping-your-customers-qualify.eventbrite.com/" title="Eventbrite Registration" target="_blank">Join us for this webinar</a> to get step-by-step information on how to help your customers achieve their goals by qualifying for the job they want!</p><p><a title="Eventbrite Registration" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/helping-your-customers-qualify-for-the-job-they-want-webinar-tickets-15711277855?ref=ebtnebregn" target="_blank"><img src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=15711277855" alt="Eventbrite - Helping Your Customers Qualify for the Job They Want Webinar" /></a>