• 2024

    New Assessment Tools Available on Illinois workNet!

    Exciting news! Four new assessments were added to the Skills and​​​​ Interest Surveys for Illinois workNet partners and users! All assessments are free to use with an Illinois workNet account from the Illinois Career Information System (CIS).​

    Each assessment takes approximately 5-15 minutes to complete. After completing, results will be saved in the account's CIS profile (accessible through your Illinois workNet account dashboard) and the Illinois workNet Customer Support Center​.​

    Recently Added Assessments Include:
    • CIS Quick Pic
    • Entrepreneurial Assessment
    • Occupation Sort
    • Workplace Employability Skills

    CCI Quick Pic:
    CCI Quick Pic uses pictures to help individuals think about activities they like. After rating the activities, their interests are matched to the 16 national career clusters. Clusters group careers by similar knowledge and skills, making exploration easy. The assessment is very similar to the Career Cluster Inventory except it uses images.

    Entrepreneurial Assessment:
    The Entrepreneurial Assessment helps individuals determine whether self-employment is a good fit for them by rating a series of statements that describe qualities entrepreneurs share to indicate how much they agree with each statement.​

    Occupation Sort:
    The Occupation Sort creates a list of careers based on factors important to the individual. These factors include things like wages, working indoors or outdoors, and attention to detail. Select 5-10 career factors from a list of 28 then rank the factors in order of importance and choose the level of each factor desired in a career. Careers that match the selected factors will be displayed in a list format.

    Workplace Employability Skills:
    The Workplace Employability Skills assessment measures nine skill areas to help individuals evaluate their employability skills by rating statements that best match their current ability. Employability skills include professionalism, collaboration, and ethical practices. A chart will display the top two workplace employability skills and skills that need improvement.

    How to Access Skills and Interests Surveys:
    1. Go to IllinoisworkNet.com.
    2. Login to your Illinois workNet account.
    3. Click on My Dashboard and select Interests (CIS360).
    4. Then select the assessment to complete.
    ​To learn more about Skills and Interests Surveys, check out this Illinois workNet article.

    Transition to the New CIS:
    The old CIS will be replaced by the new CIS at the end of this month. Until then, print or save (as a PDF) old CIS results.

    Steps to Print or Save Results as a PDF:
    1. Login to your Illinois workNet account.
    2. Go to My Dashboard, under the Assessments section select SKILLS AND INTERESTS, and choose "View CIS Assessments (Old)".
    3. You will be redirected to the old My CIS Portfolio where you can find your previous Sorts and Assessment results.
    4. Click "Restore the Answer Set"; a message will appear saying “Your answers have been restored.” Click Continue and then select the Print icon.
    5. A screen will appear, select Print Results. You may choose your printer or change the Destination to "Save as PDF".
    Browse FAQs for answers to general questions!

    Learn more about using Skills and Interests Surveys with your customers in this article and on the Assessments page. Additional materials will be released in the coming weeks.​