Read up on unemployment rates near you, available sites and building locations, easy to understand guides breaking down tax codes, and more.
See what the Business Hub has to offer when it comes to Illinois Data Table
From charts and projections to publications on career planning and the labor market, all 102 counties in Illinois are covered by IDES. Find the information you need today by visiting this site.
The Illinois Virtual Labor Market Information® (VLMI) system is a powerful online labor market information system provided by IDES, accessed as a website on the Internet. The system provides fast access to a complete set of labor market information such as occupational wages,employment projections, unemployment rates, industry data and much more.
Use your mouse to point and click your way through the online services. This system is designed to be comfortable for everyone, even the person who has little computer experience.
Review and compare local and statewide data. Click here to get started.
If you have not found what you are looking for contact IDES at
Read the IDES 2021 Women & Minorities in the Illinois Labor Force Report.
The Small Business Advocacy Council empowers small businesses through advocacy, networking, educational programs, and exclusive benefits.
Visit the SBA's Office of Advocacy website with the Learn More button below.LocationOne Information System (LOIS) for conducting searches on available commercial and industrial sites and building locations throughout Illinois. Maintained in partnership with communities across the state, LocationOne is designed to address the site selection requirements of businesses and their consultants. Start your search here.
Tax code can be multifaceted and complicated. Start understanding Illinois' tax code by learning the essentials: