Welcome to Illinois workNet

Welcome to Illinois workNet, your source for career-building and workforce development. We offer an online system and a network of locations throughout your community. Illinois workNet aims to help individuals and employers achieve their training and employment goals.

Find a Job

Search for job openings across all industries and career fields, from entry-level to technical professionals, using the Illinois workNet JobFinder. Browse employers hiring throughout Illinois and attend a Virtual Job Fair.

Locate articles, videos, and resources under the Menu dropdown and select Job Openings & Recruiting.

Network for Success

One of the best ways to get an interview, and a job offer, is to network with people in your career field or pathway. Look for in-person and online networking opportunities.

Explore Illinois workNet for guidance on how to make the most of your networking experience. Start with our event calendar or social media guide. Use the Network & Connect menu to find more great tools, articles, videos, and resources.

Planning for Training

Illinois workNet gives you powerful tools to help you qualify for a job or advance in your career. Use these tools to learn about different types of degree programs, certification programs, and micro-credential programs.

Start by searching for training programs near you! Use the Training & Credentials menu to find more great tools, articles, videos, and resources.

Get Qualified

If you are looking for your first job or to advance in your career, you will need to show you qualify. Do this by identifying your academic, technical and soft skills and then comparing them to the skills needed for the job.

Get started with any of these great options: Job Skill GuidesDigital Literacy Guides, or our Resume Builder. Use the Qualify for Jobs menu to find more great tools, articles, videos, and resources.

Explore Careers

Exploring career options and planning for your career is exciting and rewarding. Whether you’re new to the workforce or have years of experience, Illinois workNet has the tools to help you create your roadmap to success. So, when you are ready to make a career move, you’ll be able to make an informed decision.

Start by taking the Skills and Interests Surveys or exploring Careers, Wages, and Trends. Use the Explore Careers menu to find more great tools, articles, videos, and resources.