Means an individual who is working part-time but desires full-time employment, who is working in employment not commensurate with the individual's demonstrated level of educational and/or skill achievement; who is employed and meets the definition of a low-income individual as defined in WIOA Sec. 3(36); who is employed but their current earnings are not sufficient compared to their previous job’s earnings from their previous employment; or who is employed in a job lacking employer-provided health care benefits.
Means a single piece of equipment, except in the case where more than one piece of equipment is needed to make an entire system functional such as a computer or telephone system. (For example, when purchasing a computer, the monitor, keyboard, printer, and hard drive are all to be considered as a component of the total system, with the total system defined as a unit of property. Likewise, with a telephone system the switchboard along with all phones required to make up the system shall be considered the unit of property. After initial acquisition of such a system, any component part upon replacement shall be considered as a single unit of property for that type of transaction.)
The United States Department of Labor is the federal department (agency) which regulates and funds state workforce activities under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).