• 2017

    Online GATA Training - January 17th

    ​The Illinois Department of Commerce, Office of Employment and Training will be providing an online training session on the new requirements of the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act targeted to organizations that are interested in applying for state workforce grants. The session will focus on the WIOA Youth Career Pathways grant application (Notice Of Funding Opportunity) to highlight the new GATA requirements. Please click the link to register for the January 17, 2017 session below.

  • 2017

    Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Training

    <div class="ExternalClass2E72E635610D489E8BA58E509F6FFAC6"><p>​The Illinois Department of Commerce, Office of Employment and Training will coordinate live training sessions on the new requirements of the
    <a href="https&#58;//www2.illinois.gov/sites/GATA/Pages/default.aspx" title="Grant Accountability and Transparency Act" target="_blank">Grant Accountability and Transparency Act</a> targeted to organizations that are interested in applying for state workforce grants. &#160;The sessions will use the
    <a href="/youth2017" title="WIOA Youth Career Pathways" target="_blank">WIOA Youth Career Pathways</a> grant application (Notice of Funding Opportunity) to highlight the new GATA requirements. &#160;Please register for the sessions on January 18, 2016 below.</p><p>An additional training date will be available in Chicago. That date and registration will be released once it is finalized.</p><p>
    <strong>GATA Overview</strong></p><div>
    <a href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/gata-overview-tickets-30889067031?ref=ebtnebregn" target="_blank">
    <img src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=30889067031" alt="Eventbrite - GATA Overview" /></a>
    <strong>&#160;GATA Standard Grant Application &amp; Grant Agreement</strong></p>
    <a href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/gata-standard-grant-application-grant-agreement-tickets-30889880464?ref=ebtnebregn" target="_blank"><img src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=30889880464" alt="Eventbrite - GATA Standard Grant Application &amp; Grant Agreement" /></a>

  • 2016

    UPDATE: Youth Career Pathways NOFO - DuPage Location Announced

    ​Don’t forget to register for 2017 Youth Career Pathways NOFO Technical Assistance!

    The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity has announced that the December 9th technical assistance session will be held from 1:30pm to 4pm at:

    workNet DuPage
    2525 Cabot Drive, Suite 105
    Lisle, IL 60532

    Registration is open for this session or for sessions in:

    • Springfield (December 1),
    • Chicago (December 6), and
    • Rend Lake College (December 16 ).

    Click here to register.

  • 2016

    Registration open for WIOA Youth Career Pathways 2017 Funding Opportunity Sessions

    <div class="ExternalClass39CAD122FEA34BDBA8FCBFF0755CC813"><p>​The WIOA Youth Career Pathways Notice of Funding Opportunity focuses on the development of career pathways for opportunity youth that intentionally integrate workforce, education, and economic development services, that break down barriers to accessing job-driven training resulting in employment opportunities, and that assist in the effective and efficient implementation of WIOA regulations within Illinois’ economic development regions.&#160;</p><p><strong>Applicants for the WIOA Youth Career Pathways must plan to attend one of the 4 technical assistance session in locations around the state and commit to attend with cross-sector partners where possible. </strong>
    <br></p><p><a href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/wioa-youth-career-pathways-2017-tickets-29529300934?ref=ebtnebregn" target="_blank"><img src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=29529300934" alt="Eventbrite - WIOA Youth Career Pathways 2017" /></a>
    </p><p>For additional information regarding the 2017 WIOA Youth NOFO, application information, and other technical assistance, please see
    <a href="/youth2017">WIOA Youth Career Pathways</a>.<br></p></div>

  • 2016

    WIOA Youth Career Pathways ​- Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)

    <div class="ExternalClass852D6B0718C7412AB1F18FBD884109D7"><p>The WIOA Youth Career Pathways NOFO Application is live! Visit the NOFO page for the complete guidelines and to download the application. With an emphasis on the needs of young people who are not in school and not working, coined Opportunity Youth, this funding opportunity is intended to support effective career pathway practices distilled by the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board’s Youth Task Force.&#160; These practices will have a positive impact on the careers of Illinois’ youth while creating a framework for long term, sustainable capacity building in delivery of those practices throughout the state.</p><p>Watch for upcoming webinars and the in-person technical assistance sessions in December 2016. </p><p>
    <a href="/youth2017"><strong>Access the WIOA Youth Career Pathways NOFO Application</strong></a>

  • 2016

    Youth Career Pathways Technical Assistance Webinar

    When: October 19, 2016, 1:30pm - 3pm

    Title: Career Pathways for Youth

    Presenter: Brian Durham, ICCB

    Dr. Brian Durham, Senior Director for Academic Affairs and Career and Technical Education at the Illinois Community College Board, will provide an in-depth look at Youth Career Pathways. In this session, discussion will focus on the elements that make up a career pathway according to WIOA, and key issues that systems need to address in constructing career pathway programs for youth. This webinar is the first in a series of technical assistance sessions designed to coincide with the release of the 2017 WIOA Youth Career Pathways Request for Application.

    Organizations interested in the 2017 WIOA Youth Career Pathways RFA should attend this session.

    Webinar URL: Dead link removed

    To enter the webinar, participants must have the latest Flash Player Plug-in. You can get the latest download from: Adobe.

  • 2015

    Innovate + Educate

    ​                      download.jpg

    Innovate+Educate is a 501c(3) out of New Mexico that is taking a novel approach to skills gain analysis and competency-based employment.

    This was a great find that will lead to more research.  Thanks to Sandi Westlund-Deenihan.​

  • 2015

    Check Out This Career Pathway Resource

    ​Download and read the Career Pathways Toolkit: Six Key Elements for Success (PDF). This resources was created on behalf of the U.S. Department of Labor by Social Policy Research Associates and was released September 2011.

    See what the future of workforce development looked like in 2011 and leave your comments below!

    Career Pathways Toolkit: Six Key Elements for Success (PDF)