• 2020

    Online Training for IT Jobs Now Available

    Coursera news item image.jpg

    For a limited time, you can access free online Information Technology (IT) and Job Readiness courses from top institutions with Coursera. Coursera is an online learning platform offering certificates and degrees through online training.

    These training opportunities will boost your skills and experience and give you an edge when applying to IT job openings in Illinois.

    Be sure to register for these courses by October 31. Complete the courses by December 31, 2020 to earn your certificates.

    To access Coursera for free, create an account by visiting the Get Started with Coursera page on Illinois workNet.

    Follow Illinois workNet on Social Media:

  • 2018

    Manufacturing Month 2018!

    <div class="ExternalClass854988FB62D6459FBEBBC9D7D6A2691F"><p>Every October is Manufacturing Month. As this month gets
    started, be sure you have the resources to reach your manufacturing career,
    training, and employment goals. Check out Illinois workNet’s manufacturing
    related resources below&#58;<br></p><p><a href="https&#58;//apps.illinoisworknet.com/Calendar/" target="_blank">Find
    Manufacturing Specific Events</a></p><p><a href="/explore/Pages/ExploreCareers.aspx">Explore
    Manufacturing Careers, Wages, and Trends</a></p><p><a href="/explore/Pages/SkillandInterestSurveys.aspx">See
    if Your Skills and Interests Align with Manufacturing</a></p><p><a href="/ilpathways/STEM/Pages/Manufacturing1.aspx">Plan
    Your Manufacturing Education Pathway</a></p><p>Search for&#160;<a href="/Training/Pages/WIOATrainingProgramSearch.aspx">WIOA
    Approved Training Programs&#160;</a>and&#160;<a href="/Training/Pages/TrainingProgramSearch.aspx">Other
    Manufacturing Programs in Illinois</a></p><p><a href="/Qualify/Pages/Resume.aspx">Use
    Manufacturing Resume Templates to Build the Perfect Resume</a></p><p><a href="/Jobs/Pages/JobFinder.aspx">Search
    for Jobs in the Manufacturing Industry</a></p><p><a href="/Connect/Pages/StudentandTradeAssociations.aspx">Find
    Manufacturing Student and Trade Connections</a></p><p><a title="Find Additional Online Manufacturing Resources" href="https&#58;//ioer.ilsharedlearning.org/Library/2/Discover_Manufacturing_Library">Find Additional Online
    Manufacturing Resources</a><br></p><p><a href="/DownloadPrint/Apprenticeship%20One-Pager_final.pdf">What
    is an Apprenticeship? Flyer</a></p><p><a href="/DownloadPrint/WorkforceTraining_Combined_FINAL.pdf">Employer-Based
    Talent Pipeline Training Opportunities Flyer</a></p><p><a href="/DownloadPrint/Registered%20Apprenticeship%20Flyer_FINAL.pdf">Requirements
    for Registering an Apprenticeship Program Flyer</a><br></p><p>Manufacturing Day brings
    together hundreds of manufacturers across America to host students, educators,
    parents, job seekers and other local community members at open houses and other
    public events designed to showcase manufacturing technology and careers. Learn
    more about Manufacturing Month at the&#160;<a title="Manufacturing Day website" href="https&#58;//creatorswanted.org/" target="_blank">Manufacturing
    Day website</a>!</p><p>Also, be sure to&#160;check out <a href="/DownloadPrint/Manufacturing%20Day%20at%20SWIC.JPG">Southwestern
    Illinois College’s own Manufacturing Day</a> on October 12. Free and open to the public, this event will
    highlight new technology, educational programs, employment opportunities, and
    more. Read <a href="/DownloadPrint/SWIC2018ManufacturingDayRelease.pdf">this
    press release</a> for more information.<br></p></div>

  • 2018

    Governor proclaims October Manufacturing Month in Illinois

    <div class="ExternalClass5C9B0EBA3BEA48CE85FB9FF4E63EA4BF"><p>SPRINGFIELD
    — Recognizing the importance of an industry that employs more than a half
    million workers in the state, Gov. Bruce Rauner today proclaimed <a href="/DownloadPrint/Manufacturing%20Month%20Governor%27s%20Proclamation.pdf" target="_blank">October Manufacturing Month in Illinois</a>.<br></p><p>“Manufacturing
    is at the heart of the Illinois economy,” Rauner said. “For decades, Illinois
    manufacturers have shown their savvy by adapting to changing market conditions
    and embracing innovation to stay at the top of their game. I am proud to
    recognize this strong industry.” <br></p><p>Illinois
    companies manufacture a wide range of products including farm equipment and
    machinery, automotive parts, plastics, pharmaceuticals, biofuels and food
    Manufacturing Highlights&#58; </p><ul style="margin-top&#58;0in;"><li><p>Manufacturing
    is the third largest industry in Illinois by employment with more than 580,000
    workers. </p></li><li><p>Illinois
    is the fourth largest manufacturing state in the nation by output. </p></li><li><p>Manufacturing
    makes up 93.6 percent of all Illinois goods exported.</p></li><li><p>Average
    annual income for Illinois manufacturing workers is $70,174.<br></p></li></ul><p>“Manufacturing
    accounts for 12.4 percent of our gross state product,” said Deputy Gov. Leslie
    Munger, acting director of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic
    Opportunity. “Every day we work with businesses, community leaders and
    stakeholders across the state to support, strengthen and grow this critical
    Illinois industry.”<br></p><p>Manufacturing
    Month events will take place throughout October in Illinois. These events
    showcase some of the nearly 13,000 manufacturing firms that call Illinois home.
    October is a time to highlight the benefits of working in the industry and
    continue to build a talent pipeline that guarantees Illinois remains a leader
    in manufacturing for years to come. Manufacturing Day will be celebrated
    nationwide on the first Friday of the month, Oct. 5.<br></p></div>

  • 2015

    Digital Manufacturing and Workforce: Looking at our Local Industry’s Future

    1000 Jobs CampaignJoin World Business Chicago and the DMDII to Learn How the Region is Addressing the Manufacturing Skills Gap and the Development of a Highly-Skilled Workforce!

    Manufacturers need to fill more than 30,000 open jobs across the Chicago region from Niles and Aurora to Lansing and Libertyville. World Business Chicago’s (WBC’s) 1000 Jobs for Chicagoland Manufacturing campaign is building on the region’s existing workforce system to match job seekers with those employer needs.

    On July 23rd from 3:00 – 6:30 p.m. at the Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (DMDII), 1000 Jobs and supporting partner DMDII will host Digital Manufacturing and Workforce: Looking at Our Local Industry's Future. The event will include an interactive panel discussion – moderated by David Boulay, President of the Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center (IMEC) – on the intersection of advanced and digital manufacturing, workforce development, and a firsthand look at the technologies driving factories of the future. Other topics to include:

    • What is digital manufacturing?
    • What does it mean for my business?
    • What ideas are to come to prepare employees for factories of the future?

    Manufacturers will also have the opportunity to tour the DMDII facility and hear about ways that they can get involved with the Institute. Since 1000 Jobs launched last year, nearly 300 residents have received training or jobs in the industry. 

    WBC’s 1000 Jobs, led by a consortium of 40 manufacturing industry leaders in partnership with dozens of additional organizations, will place 1,000 qualified job seekers on career pathways in manufacturing, and link residents who need additional skills to training and apprenticeship programs resulting in full-time employment. This strategic collaboration strengthens the Chicagoland economy, addresses the national skills gap in advanced manufacturing, and gives residents access to good paying jobs in advanced manufacturing.

    To save your spot, visit the DMDII/1000 Jobs Panel Discussion website.

  • 2015

    Let's make it a combo!

    ​If you subscribe to our news, you have already read about Functional and Chronological resumes. Our latest article covers the third major type of resume, combination, in “Would you like to make that a combo?” If you have had several different positions whose job duties overlap, a combination resume may be right for you. Also included in the article is information on what is included in a combination resume, how different positions might have similar functions, and what all to include in this type of resume. Check out the article to get all this information, a sample resume, and a resume guide!

    Here's a sneak peak of what the article has to offer!

    Chronological Resume Example JPEG

  • 2015

    Have you noticed a change on the Illinois workNet homepage?

    <div class="ExternalClass24EE323DB73E48AB9513863B5FA00686"><h3>​User Guides are now available!&#160; </h3> Not sure where to get started on Illinois workNet? We now have user guides to point you in the right direction to find the tools and resources you need. These guides have simple steps and resources to help you&#58; <p></p><ul><li> Find the right job, </li><li> Find training to get ahead, </li><li> Find laid off worker resources,&#160;</li><li>Fill job openings and more.</li></ul><p>Get started using the guides today from the Illinois workNet homepage!<br></p><h3>Quick Look</h3><p>
    <a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.slideshare.net/ILworkNet/user-guides-in-illinois-work-net" title="User Guide Overview Slides"><img src="/News/PublishingImages/user%20guide.png" alt="User Guide Overview" class="ms-rteImage-1" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></a>&#160;</p><p>
    <a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.slideshare.net/ILworkNet/user-guides-in-illinois-work-net" title="User Guide Overview Slides">Overview Slides</a></p></div>

  • 2015

    It’s Time to Learn about Chronological Resumes

    <div class="ExternalClass5E640874786F4EC0994D990B482DFBA5"><p>​<img src="/Articles/ArticleThumbnailImages/ChronologicalResumeThumbnail.png" alt="Chronological Resume Image" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></p><p>Do you need to create a resume, but you’re not sure what resume format to use? In the newest Illinois workNet article, you can learn who a chronological resume is best for, what to include, and even see example resumes. You can also take a look at the resume guide in the article documents to get even more information about chronological resumes. Let Illinois workNet help you create the best resume possible with
    <a title="Article" href="/pages/article.aspx?articleID=90">It’s All about Those Dates, ’Bout Those Dates, No Worries</a>!
    <a target="_blank" title="Chronological Resume Image" href="/DownloadPrint/chronological%20image.jpg">
    <img class="ms-rteImage-2" alt="Chronological Resume Image" src="/DownloadPrint/chronological%20image.jpg" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;300px;height&#58;379px;" /></a>

  • 2015

    Looking for Work Support?

    <div class="ExternalClass105B23F1C6E3474799DD6A8670D4E3D5"><p>​<img src="/News/PublishingImages/IndPath_UpdatesHelp_150.png" class="ms-rtePosition-2" alt="Updates &amp; Help Icon" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;150px;height&#58;150px;" />The Find Work Support Tools and Services webinar from March&#160;25th is now available on our
    <a title="YouTube Channel" target="_blank" href="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/user/illinoisworknet">YouTube channel</a> for viewing at any time. You can now review the Updates &amp; Help menu on Illinois workNet wherever you are. This webinar has a lot of information on work support resources to help you find your next job or succeed in your current position. Learn all about the News &amp; Updates section, the FAQs, the Glossary, Download &amp; Print, and all the Success Stories of partner programs across the state. </p><p>Download the
    <a target="_blank" title="Work Support Tools &amp; Services handout" href="/DownloadPrint/Finding%20Work%20Support%20Tools%20and%20Services_FINAL.pdf">Work Support Tools &amp; Services handout</a> and <a href="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxFL8T5TJxA" title="YouTube" target="_blank">watch the archived webinar</a>.<br><br></p><p></p><iframe width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/WxFL8T5TJxA?rel=0"></iframe>

  • 2015

    Is a functional resume the right format for you?

    Functional Resume Article Image

    Do you need to write a resume but don’t have much work experience or have a great deal of experience? Learn all about functional resumes in the Illinois workNet article Form and Function for Your Resume. Functional resumes focus on your skills, not your experience. You can emphasize what you have done in previous positions, whether they are volunteer or in the workplace. Form and Function for Your Resume can tell you all about these things and more!

    Functional Resume Overview (PDF)

    Functional Resume Example and Areas (JPEG)

    Functional Resume Example and Areas (JPEG)

  • 2015

    Are you ready to network?

    <div class="ExternalClassDE21D1B14DEA4D9CAD7D9C7743936A3D"><p>​<img alt="Network &amp; Connect Icon" class="ms-rtePosition-2" src="/PublishingImages/Connect-menu-icon.png" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;100px;height&#58;100px;" />Did you get a chance to attend the Networking and Connecting webinar? If not, don’t worry – it is now available to watch any time. During this webinar, the Network &amp; Connect menu items of Illinois workNet were covered. Watch the webinar as we demonstrate how to use tools like the Service Finder, the Events Calendar, the Student &amp; Trade Association search, and how to use social media to network and connect with potential employers. </p><p>You can watch the webinar,
    <a href="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGnv3OApu54" title="YouTube" target="_blank">Networking and Connecting</a>, at any time. <br></p><p>Download our related materials so you can see how the Newtork &amp; Connect tools and resources on Illinois workNet can help you!</p><ul><li>Network &amp; Connect Infographic (<a target="_blank" title="Network &amp; Connect Infographic (PDF)" href="/DownloadPrint/Network_Connect.pdf">PDF</a>)</li><li>Finding Services in Illinois (<a target="_blank" title="Finding Services in Illinois (PDF)" href="/DownloadPrint/Finding%20Services_FINAL.pdf">PDF</a>)<br><br></li></ul><p></p><iframe width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/YGnv3OApu54"></iframe>

  • 2015

    And the Webinars Continue...

    Webinar Registration ImageIllinois workNet wants to make sure our users know about all of the tools and resources to help you successfully use our site. We are continuing on in our webinar series and have scheduled six more sessions! See the list of webinars below and click on the title to get to the registration page:

    Networking and Connecting Tools Webinar
    March 12, 2015 10:00 AM

    This webinar will review locating Illinois workNet Centers and Partners near you, using the Event Calendar, finding student and trade associations, and using social media. All of these items are needed to use networking as a job search tool.

    Employment 101 Webinar
    March 18, 2015 10:30 AM

    This webinar will walk users through the Employment 101 tool and how to use it to plan out your path to achieving your goals. With Employment 101 you can create and use a Career Plan, Job Search Plan, and plan to Achieve Your Goals.

    Find Work Support Tools and Services Webinar
    March 25, 2015 10:30 AM 

    This webinar will cover the Updates & Help menu of Illinois workNet that includes news and updates, FAQ, glossary, download and print, success stories, and related articles, videos, and resources!

    Employers Programs and Tools Webinar
    April 1, 2015 10:00 AM

    This webinar will review tools available to employers on Illinois workNet for hiring and recruiting employees. We will also look at programs that can help employers off-set hiring and training costs.

    Layoff Assistance Resources and Tools Webinar
    April 7, 2015 10:00 AM 

    This webinar will review the resources and tools available on Illinois workNet for employers and workers that have been or will be affected by a layoff.

    jobPrep Mobile App Webinar
    April 15, 2015 10:00 AM

    This webinar will walk users through the jobPrep app. Learn how you can use the mobile version of the Illinois workNet website anywhere and anytime you need it. You can download the app from Google Play, Apple App Store, and Amazon.

  • 2015

    Upcoming Webinars - Register For All Today!

    <div class="ExternalClassB2168C43325D49CFB2D2E2AFBC6DD1FB"><p>​Illinois workNet wants to make sure you&#160;know&#160;about all of the tools and resources available to you via our website. We have three upcoming webinars, and even more we haven't scheduled yet, that we want you to attend!</p><p>
    <strong>Tools and Resources to Connect Individuals and Businesses Webinar</strong></p><p>In this webinar, we will look at the components of Illinois workNet that can help an individual implement their career plan OR an employer research and share job openings. We will review&#58;</p><ul><li>the components of exploring careers,</li><li>how to gain or retain skills,</li><li>the skills employers want in new employees,</li><li>resources to find or post job openings, and last,
    <br></li><li>how to network and find connections in your career field.</li></ul><p>
    <a href="https&#58;//tools-and-resources-to-connect.eventbrite.com/" title="Register for this session" target="_blank">Register for this session</a>. </p><p>
    <a href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/tools-and-resources-to-connect-individuals-and-businesses-tickets-15443822890?ref=ebtn" target="_blank"><img src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=15443822890" alt="Eventbrite - Tools and Resources to Connect Individuals and Businesses" /></a></p><p>
    <strong>Tools for Exploring Careers and Planning for Your Future Webinar<br></strong></p><p>Determining where your career path is leading you is an important first step. This webinar will go in-depth to review the Illinois workNet components that include&#58;</p><ul><li>Skill &amp; Interest Surveys,</li><li>Careers, Wages &amp; Trends Search, and our</li><li>Employment 101 Planning Guide.</li></ul><p>
    <a href="https&#58;//tools-for-exploring-careers.eventbrite.com/" title="Register for this session" target="_blank">Register for this session</a>.</p><p>
    <a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/tools-for-exploring-careers-and-planning-for-your-future-tickets-15444264210?ref=ebtn" title="Registration">
    <img alt="Eventbrite - Tools for Exploring Careers and Planning for Your Future" src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=15444264210" /></a>
    <br> </p><p>
    <strong>Selecting and Financing Training Webinar</strong></p><p>You have completed the planning process. You know where your career path is taking you. Now you need to determine what kind of training you might need to accomplish it. This webinar will cover the training resources available to&#58;</p><ul><li>individuals that need training to enter a career,</li><li>employees that need skill upgrade, or</li><li>transitioning employees.</li></ul><p>We will also cover apprenticeship and adult education opportunities within this webinar.</p><p>
    <a href="https&#58;//selecting-and-financing-training.eventbrite.com/" title="Register for this session" target="_blank">Register for this session</a>. <br></p><p><a target="_blank" href="http&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/e/selecting-and-financing-training-tickets-15444511951?ref=ebtn" title="Registration"><img alt="Eventbrite - Selecting and Financing Training" src="https&#58;//www.eventbrite.com/custombutton?eid=15444511951" /></a></p></div>

  • 2015

    Is Your Elevator Speech Ready?

    ​Writing an elevator speech can be difficult. Let the Illinois workNet team help you! Our newest article includes details on what an elevator speech is, what should be included, and how to deliver your elevator speech. It even includes an example and resources to help you write your own! If you are searching for a job, attending networking events, or meeting new people, an elevator speech can be your go-to conversation opener. Take the time to read through the article so you can create your elevator speech today!


    Infographic source: http://ylakeland.com/

    Make sure to check out the other articles throughout the site for help on specific topics. We have articles that cover resume writing, adult education, financial aid, using social media, budgeting, and much, much more!

  • 2015

    Volunteers Across Illinois Set to Make Martin Luther King Day a "Day On, Not a Day Off"

    Day of Service Will Mark the Beginning of the Year of the Volunteer

    CHICAGO – The Serve Illinois Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service (Serve Illinois) today encouraged people across Illinois to take part in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on Monday, January 19, 2015.

    "Doctor King said that, 'Life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?'" Serve Illinois Executive Director Scott McFarland said.  "Illinoisans answer this question each day by helping their neighbors and their community.  Volunteerism is the answer."

    The Day of Service will also mark the beginning of the Year of the Volunteer with the theme of "You are the difference."  Volunteerism throughout Illinois will increase during the year by celebrating community service and connecting and strengthening the already extensive network of organizations involved in service.  In Senate Resolution 1002, the Illinois Senate designated the Year of the Volunteer, which is sponsored by Generations Serving Generations, Robert R. McCormick Foundation, the Illinois Department on Aging, Serve Illinois, the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Illinois Board of Higher Education, the Illinois State Board of Education, the Illinois Community College Board and more than 100 organizations and businesses committed to civic engagement.

    Anyone interested in volunteering on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service can visit Serve.Illinois.gov to find more than 100,000 volunteer opportunities throughout Illinois and in bordering states.  Volunteers can search based on location or area of interest, as well as by web-based, ongoing or one-time volunteer opportunities.

    Serve Illinois is also accepting nominations for the annual Governor's Volunteer Service Awards.  These awards recognize individual volunteers and businesses that support community service in order to honor those who provide selfless service to the state and to highlight the importance of volunteerism and community service in Illinois.

    Nominations are due to Serve Illinois by January 31, 2015.  A ceremony to honor recipients will be held on April 20 at the Executive Mansion in Springfield.  Visit Serve.Illinois.gov for information about individual awards, past recipient bios, and nomination forms.

  • 2015

    Innovative Programs - 2014 Illinois Workforce Development

    <div class="ExternalClass5A8A7701B27742709D75EBEAA6A3E105"><p>​Across Illinois, The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) along with its local and state partners is taking the lead in convening our economic development, business, and educational systems to create initiatives that fill the skills gap for employers and lead to living wage employment.&#160; Highlights of these various initiatives are in the DCEO 2014 Illinois Workforce Development Annual Report.&#160; The report provides the activities of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) partners and illustrates the strong relationship between Illinois businesses and the workforce development system.
    <br></p><p>Read the report to learn more about innovative programs, how employer-driven strategies are impacting our workforce, and to see examples of successes that demonstrate a positive impact on individuals and businesses.
    <br></p><p>Read the
    <a title="2014 Illinois Workforce Development Annual Report PDF" href="/DownloadPrint/Final_WFAnnlRpt_FY13SYP14_Web.pdf" target="_blank">2014 Illinois Workforce Development Annual Report</a>.</p><p>Visit
    <a title="WIOA Website" href="/wioa" target="_blank">WIOA Works to learn more about Workforce Development in Illinois</a>.</p><p>
    <a title="2014 Illinois Workforce Development Annual Report PDF" href="/DownloadPrint/Final_WFAnnlRpt_FY13SYP14_Web.pdf" target="_blank"><img alt="2014 Illinois Workforce Development Annual Report PDF" src="/News/PublishingImages/Final_WFAnnlRpt_FY13SYP14_400.jpg" style="margin&#58;5px;" /></a><br>&#160;</p></div>

  • 2014

    How Can You Use Social Media to Find Your Next Job or Employee?

    <div class="ExternalClass5A029BC77AFF4882B5AE3E0F852DA2D1"><p>​People thought it was a fad, but social media is here to stay! Social media is being used more and more as a main component of many marketing campaigns. How can you make the best use of social media to enhance your job search or recruiting efforts?</p><p>Illinois workNet held two webinars that focused on social media hosted by our very own social media strategist Dee Reinhardt.
    <br></p><p>One was geared to
    <strong>job seekers </strong>and covered all of the major social platforms. While you are in job search mode, you are branding yourself as a product to market to a company. Because social media is ever evolving, we discussed tips and tricks that address strategy while using the platforms more than actual how-to's.
    <br></p><p>The other webinar was geared toward
    <strong>recruiting </strong>through social media. The guest speaker on this HR focused webinar was Chris Larson of the Barton Professional Group, a recruiting company in the Chicago suburbs. Dee and Chris discussed tactics businesses could use on Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, LinkedIn groups, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube.
    <br></p><p>Find both of these recordings and our other social media mini-recordings by visiting our
    <a title="Social Media Guide" href="/Connect/Pages/SocialMediaGuide.aspx" target="_blank">social media guide</a> or our YouTube playlists -
    <a title="Job Search and Social Media" href="http&#58;//youtu.be/73TMDF5wypI?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm_gGyPnugEQcoMRJZ8HXUjz" target="_blank">Job Search and Social Media</a> or
    <a title="Recruiting and Social Media" href="http&#58;//youtu.be/lhQX2Vn7pK8?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm-GKalPtniJWwYLxyCIsXmd" target="_blank">Recruiting and Social Media</a>.</p><p>Download the Presentations to have all the information in front of you while you watch the videos.</p><ul><li>Job Search and Social Media (<a title="Job Search and Social Media (PDF)" href="/News/Documents/Why+social+media-JobSeeker_FINAL.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</li><li>Recruiting and Social Media (<a title="Recruiting and Social Media (PDF)" href="/News/Documents/Why+social+media-Business_FINAL.pdf" target="_blank">PDF</a>)</li></ul><p>
    <br> &#160;</p><p></p>
    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/73TMDF5wypI" frameborder="0"></iframe>&#160;
    </p><iframe width="420" height="315" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/lhQX2Vn7pK8" frameborder="0"></iframe>

  • 2014

    Your Feedback Is Needed!

    ​Illinois workNet has a long history of collecting customer feedback. Please participate to ensure the new Illinois workNet website meets your needs!

    The Illinois workNet portal system is in process of being updated and redesigned. For users, examples of the changes include new:

    • look and feel,
    • navigation,
    • personalization,
    • responsiveness so you can access on your mobile device,
    • updated and interactive tools,
    • and more!

    Attend this webinar to see the changes and let us know what you think!

    Register today: https://worknetredesign-feedbackneeded.eventbrite.com

  • 2014

    STEM Symposium

    <div class="ExternalClassE7783CA7A0234DCBA8B9BE0E89808C32"><p>Students will participate in hands-on sessions and learn about new
    innovations in engineering, renewable energy, agriculture and health
    science from ICC faculty and local business and industry leaders. Furthermore, students will be exposed to the college campus environment and interact with current ICC students.
    It is our hope that students will not only gain a better understanding
    of STEM career pathways, but will be able to see themselves in that
    college environment.</p></div>

  • 2014

    Illinois Student's Assistance Commission

    The Illinois Student Assistance Commission is providing its 2014-15 Annual Financial Aid Certification Program, an annual certification series of training modules on helping students with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and staying current on the financial aid process. Trainings are offered at sites across the state and one will be held at Midstate College on October 17th.

  • 2014

    Sports for the Mind

    ​East Peoria Robo Raiders is a First Tech Challenge (FTC) team comprised of some of our region’s brightest and best students. These kids are not your typical teenagers. While other students their age may be focused on playing the latest Xbox 360 games, Robo Raiders design those very same video games. From learning new computer programming and languages to utilizing electricity and engineering to solve real life business challenges, these kids are clever to say the least. In fact, the East Peoria Robo Raiders recently received a provisional patent on the Rising Aqua Detector Device they developed. Pretty impressive for a group of 7th, 8th and 9th graders.

    Every school year Robo Raider’s design, build and program their own robot prototype to meet a national First Tech Challenge. Student team members work with adult mentors twice a week throughout the school year culminating with a series of competitions. Through professional presentations explaining their innovative ideas to industry leaders and competitive robot field games, Robo Raiders compete with similar FTC teams at regional, state and national levels.

    Last year, the Robo Raiders team developed an actual working prototype of a Rising Aqua Detector (RAD) to warn drivers when it is unsafe to drive into a flooded street. Once the water reaches an unsafe bumper level for a vehicle, an LED (light emitting diode) corresponding to each inch of water under vehicle blinks the LEDs and sounds a buzzer.

    What is the next step for these mind sport enthusiasts? Robo Raiders is planning to promote their Rising Aqua Detector Device to car and emergency vehicle manufacturers and car component manufacturers. These successful students put new meaning to the term “driven”. To see their pioneering device in action, simply click on the following links:

    Aqua Rising Detector

    Video Demonstration

    For more information about East Peoria Robo Raiders, mentoring opportunities and business sponsorships, please contact Randy Dray at Randy.Dray@hotmail.com.


  • 2014

    Educator's Day in Central Illinois

    Focus Forward CI Logo.png 

    In conjunction with the annual Discover Manufacturing Career Expo, local manufacturers and educators will be gathering on September 30th, for the annual Educator’s Day. Administrators, counselors and teachers from over 30 high school will meet with local manufacturers for a day of networking to continue the effort of emphasising specific career pathways and opportunities available to our region’s youth. This day serves as a bridge to connect local manufacturers with our educators in order to provide information on how they can help each other help our students through curriculum / certificate opportunities, specific partnerships and overall transparency of our region’s ever-growing manufacturing industry.

    For more information on this year’s Educator’s Day, please contact:

    Judy Dietrich
    College and Career Readiness Coordinator