• 2014

    Attention: Soft Skills Required

    <div class="ExternalClassA43084E22BFA4C7994E49843A925E890"><p>Did anyone ever ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up? What were your first thoughts?&#160; Did you think about the skills you would need or about some of the &quot;cool&quot; jobs?</p><p>Whether you are starting your first job or starting your dream job, there are some skills that are required regardless of your title. These types of skills are called soft skills or workplace skills.&#160; </p><p>You may have heard the saying &quot;you can have all of the book smarts in the world, but if you don't have common sense you can be dumber than a box of rocks&quot;. &#160;It takes a lot more than just &quot;book smarts&quot; or academic and technical skills.&#160; It takes everyday skills that you may have learned from your parents, teachers, family members, friends, or past coworkers. Such soft/workplace skills include&#58;</p><ul><li>Starting work on time (attendance),</li><li>Dressing properly for work (self-presentation),</li><li>Knowing how to use equipment at work (technical skills),</li><li>Treating others with respect or treating them how you want to be treated (teamwork),</li><li>Having a positive can-do attitude (showing initiative),</li><li>Using social media (computer skills),</li><li>Writing a journal (communication), and/or</li><li>Working on or repairing stuff (problem solving skills).</li></ul><p>
    </p><p>You have these skills to some degree. Take a look at sample soft skills and see how they relate to your past experiences.&#160; Look at the definitions for these skills and ask yourself, </p><ul><li>What examples in my life can I use to show that I have that skill?</li><li>Did I use that skill while working on a school project? Volunteering? Past job? Hobbies?</li><li>What are my interests? What skills do I like? What skills do I struggle with?</li><li>What are my top 3 strongest soft skills?</li><li>What are my 3 weakest soft skills? How are you going to enhance those skills?</li></ul><p>
    </p><p>You can &quot;sell&quot; your skills to a potential employer by including them in your resume and interviews.&#160; </p><ul><li>Know yourself and what you have to offer.&#160; </li><li>Tell employers about the skill that you have that relates to the job for which you are applying.&#160; </li></ul><p>
    </p><p>These skills play a vital role when applying for a job and maintaining that job once you are hired. These are the skills employers look for and require.</p><p>
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