• 2014

    Youth Summer and Community Employment Program Applications Now Being Accepted

    SYEP Apply Today Image

    Throughout Illinois, youth ages 16-24 are being offered an opportunity to apply for the Youth Summer and Community Employment Program.  This is a paid work experience program that gives youth a chance to get paid and learn work skills.  Participating youth will earn $9.00 an hour and learn valuable skills while on the job, and by completing work skill activities.  Successful completion will earn participants a certificate of completion they can put on their resume and print to show future potential employers. 

    This program is now accepting applications.  No prior work experience is needed.   Here's what you need to know to apply:

    1. Read the information about qualifying for the program.
    2. Find out if the program locations are near where you live.
    3. Complete the online application.

    Visit our website to learn more and complete the online application available now http://www.illinoisworknet.com/syep2014.