• 2014

    Violence Prevention is Attainable

    <div class="ExternalClass3F9DE1EE47AD4B8FB9CA663A27FB8A27"><p>​Violence is an epidemic in our nation. Like many illnesses, it has preventable causes that we must target. As part of our Summer Youth (Community) Employment program for 2014, we developed a series of short recordings about a variety of topics surrounding violence prevention. They include&#58;</p><ul><li>What is violence?</li><li>Gun Violence,</li><li>Intimate Partner Violence</li><li>Suicide Prevention,</li><li>Electronic Aggression, and<br></li><li>How to Prevent Violence.</li></ul><p>Violence impacts every age group and every race. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor. Children who see violence tend to repeat the pattern as they grow up.</p><p>Our webinar series addresses topics for the youth in our program to understand and recognize what is considered violence that they may have learned to think is normal behavior.</p><p>Watch the recordings that we have posted here or on
    <a target="_blank" title="YouTube Website" href="https&#58;//youtu.be/QJDl9y7T2_c?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm9b9PzRJOFyC_5CjmYgGc2O">YouTube</a>&#58; &#160;</p>
    <iframe width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/QJDl9y7T2_c?list=PLlkuU1Id_xm9b9PzRJOFyC_5CjmYgGc2O"></iframe></div>