• 2015

    Are you ready to network?

    <div class="ExternalClassDE21D1B14DEA4D9CAD7D9C7743936A3D"><p>​<img alt="Network &amp; Connect Icon" class="ms-rtePosition-2" src="/PublishingImages/Connect-menu-icon.png" style="margin&#58;5px;width&#58;100px;height&#58;100px;" />Did you get a chance to attend the Networking and Connecting webinar? If not, don’t worry – it is now available to watch any time. During this webinar, the Network &amp; Connect menu items of Illinois workNet were covered. Watch the webinar as we demonstrate how to use tools like the Service Finder, the Events Calendar, the Student &amp; Trade Association search, and how to use social media to network and connect with potential employers. </p><p>You can watch the webinar,
    <a href="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGnv3OApu54" title="YouTube" target="_blank">Networking and Connecting</a>, at any time. <br></p><p>Download our related materials so you can see how the Newtork &amp; Connect tools and resources on Illinois workNet can help you!</p><ul><li>Network &amp; Connect Infographic (<a target="_blank" title="Network &amp; Connect Infographic (PDF)" href="/DownloadPrint/Network_Connect.pdf">PDF</a>)</li><li>Finding Services in Illinois (<a target="_blank" title="Finding Services in Illinois (PDF)" href="/DownloadPrint/Finding%20Services_FINAL.pdf">PDF</a>)<br><br></li></ul><p></p><iframe width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https&#58;//www.youtube.com/embed/YGnv3OApu54"></iframe>